现行设计系数对中俄东线OD 1422mm管道的适用性
[Abstract]:The natural gas pipeline project of the East Line between China and Russia is a large-caliber (OD 1,422 mm),) high pressure gas pipeline, which involves the application of new technology and new pipes. It is one of the technical problems in the design process that whether the pipe wall thickness determined according to the design coefficient stipulated in the design standard of our country can ensure the safe operation of the pipeline. Based on the research results of reliability design and evaluation technology for natural gas pipelines in China, combined with the regional grade, pipe performance, construction and operation and maintenance parameters of the OD 1422 mm pipeline in East China and Russia, According to the calculation of the current design coefficient, the wall thickness of three kinds of pipelines in the East China Gas Pipeline Project is 21.4 mm,25.7 mm,30.8 mm., respectively. The failure probability of pipeline is calculated and analyzed based on reliability method. The failure probability of pipeline is 1.27 脳 10 ~ (-7) times / (km a), 3.66 脳 10 ~ (-10) times / (km a), under extreme limit state, respectively. 3.53 脳 10 ~ (-15) times / (km a), meets the target reliability requirements of the East Russia natural gas pipeline, which indicates that the wall thickness calculated from the existing design coefficients is applicable to the design of the OD 1,422 mm pipeline. It can ensure the safe and stable operation of the pipeline after completion.
【作者单位】: 中国石油天然气管道工程有限公司;
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