[Abstract]:In order to characterize the apparent permeability of shale matrix and study its dynamic variation, based on the fractal theory of tortuous capillary bundles and the mechanism of gas microscopic seepage, the adsorption and slippage were established, respectively. The apparent permeability model of inorganic and organic matter is obtained by diffusion and percolation, and the apparent permeability model of shale matrix is obtained by weighted area coefficient. The reliability of the new model is verified by combining the experimental data and the existing models. The micropore structure (pore size, porosity, fractal dimension), external environment (pressure, water saturation) of shale matrix are quantitatively analyzed. Effect of effective diameter correction factor and gas properties on the apparent permeability of shale matrix. The results show that with the decrease of reservoir pressure, the thickness of inorganic pore water film increases, the effective diameter decreases, the fractal dimension of detour increases, the fractal dimension of pore decreases, the effect of gas slippage increases, but the adsorption effect is still dominant. The apparent permeability of inorganic matter is decreasing in general; The adsorption gas desorption of organic matter makes the effective diameter correction factor increase gradually, the fractal dimension of detour decreases, the fractal dimension of pore increases, the slippage effect and Knudsen diffusion increase in the low pressure pore, and the apparent permeability of organic matter increases. The apparent physical parameters of organic matter and inorganic matter vary with the pressure, and the difference of permeability is large. Therefore, the difference between the apparent permeability of shale matrix and that of organic matter should be distinguished and calculated in order to avoid the error caused by the difference.
【作者单位】: 中国石油大学(北京)石油工程教育部重点实验室;中国石油大学(北京)提高采收率研究院;
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