发布时间:2018-12-17 16:45
【摘要】:针对高凝油注水开发中蜡析出造成孔隙堵塞、渗透率下降这一问题,推导蜡沉积量与孔隙度、渗透率变化关系,建立水驱油藏渗流场与蜡沉积的耦合模型,对比地表水常温及适当升温(25、35、45、55、65℃)注入时,含水饱和度分布及孔隙度、渗透率降低情况。结果表明:注入冷水导致近井地带温度降至析蜡点以下,蜡晶颗粒大量析出,地层采出水(45℃,不加热)回注时,注水1 a后水井附近30 m温度受到影响,平均累积沉积量约占孔隙体积的4%;随着温度降低,含水饱和度前缘跃变程度减弱,渗透率与初始渗透率比值由93%降到72%;地层冷伤害随时间延长加剧,但增加速率逐渐减小,并逐渐向油层深部推进。
[Abstract]:In order to solve the problem of pore blockage caused by wax precipitation and the decrease of permeability, the relationship between wax deposition quantity, porosity and permeability is deduced, and the coupling model of seepage field and wax deposition in water drive reservoir is established. Compared with the surface water at room temperature and proper temperature (25 ~ 35 ~ 45 ~ 45 ~ 55 ~ 65 鈩,
[Abstract]:In order to solve the problem of pore blockage caused by wax precipitation and the decrease of permeability, the relationship between wax deposition quantity, porosity and permeability is deduced, and the coupling model of seepage field and wax deposition in water drive reservoir is established. Compared with the surface water at room temperature and proper temperature (25 ~ 35 ~ 45 ~ 45 ~ 55 ~ 65 鈩,