[Abstract]:Screw pump production is one of the main production methods in oil field. At present, Daqing oilfield has entered the stage of tertiary oil recovery, which puts forward higher requirements for lifting performance and life of screw pump. The inner cycloid screw pump is widely used in oil field production, and most of the theoretical studies are also aimed at the inner cycloid type. The inner cycloid screw pump has the disadvantages of short life and high cost of replacing the pump. The rotor of the outer cycloid type screw pump is easily damaged, so the operating cost will be greatly reduced. Therefore, the lifting performance of the external cycloidal screw pump is studied by changing the profile of the screw pump, which lays a theoretical foundation for the application of the external cycloid type screw pump to oilfield production. According to the bone line equation of short amplitude epicycloid stator and rotor, the coordinate of bone line of stator and rotor is obtained by using Matlab software. The bone line and isometric profile are drawn by taking points in SolidWorks, and the geometric model of cycloidal screw pump with different structure parameters is established. According to the actual working conditions of screw pump, the test data are fitted with five constitutive models, and the Ogden model is selected as the constitutive model of rotor-lined rubber, and the parameters of the model are determined. The finite element analysis model of 1/3 lead (including two complete cavities) is established for the establishment of contact pairs and the setting of boundary conditions. The contact pressure of seal belt is simulated by ANSYS software. According to the failure criterion of screw pump seal, the weak position of seal is judged in the middle of long spiral belt. Taking this area as the research object, the seal and leakage between the cavity of screw pump are studied. Different pressure and pressure difference are applied to the finite element model to simulate the working conditions of the finite number of cavity chambers of the screw pump. The critical contact pressure between the finite adjacent chambers of the screw pump is calculated respectively. A finite number of data points were fitted by Matlab software to fit the curve of critical contact pressure changing with the pressure of low pressure cavity. The pressure field distribution and lift pressure of the screw pump are calculated according to the pressure transfer law of each chamber in the screw pump. The influence of eccentricity, lead and interference on lifting pressure of cycloid type screw pump is studied by means of control variable method, and the reasonable range of eccentricity, lead and interference is obtained. Taking friction stress, equivalent stress and displacement into account, the optimum selection principle of various kinds of oil well screw pumps is given, and the structural parameters of the external cycloidal single screw pump with large displacement are selected as an example.
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