[Abstract]:In order to analyze the sensitivity of the dynamic response of buried gas pipeline to the main soil parameters around the soil, a three-dimensional solid contact model of rammer-soil-pipeline was established, and the model was verified according to the measured values of previous dynamic compaction tests. The dynamic response process of buried gas pipeline under dynamic compaction is analyzed by using the model, and the response rule of equivalent stress distribution to the cohesive force, internal friction angle, elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio of surrounding soil is studied. And the sensitivity of the maximum equivalent stress of the pipeline to the above soil parameters. The results show that: (1) there is a large displacement vibration of buried gas pipeline under dynamic tamping load, the maximum equivalent force point is located at the top of the XY plane pipe wall in front of the pipeline, and the equivalent stress at the top of the pipeline element is a single pulse type; (2) the equivalent stress of the pipeline decreases with the increase of the cohesive force of the surrounding soil and the angle of internal friction, (3) the maximum equivalent stress increases with the increase of the Poisson ratio of the soil, while the minimum equivalent stress decreases with the increase of the Poisson's ratio of the soil; (4) when the elastic modulus of soil is 30 MPa, the maximum equivalent stress of the pipe is slightly less than 20 MPa, while the minimum equivalent stress is far less than the minimum equivalent stress of 10 MPa. But the equivalent stress generally increases with the increase of soil elastic modulus. The results show that the elastic modulus of soil has the greatest influence on the maximum equivalent stress, followed by the angle of internal friction and Poisson's ratio, and the cohesion has the least effect on the equivalent stress.
【作者单位】: 西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院;油气消防四川省重点实验室;中国石油天然气销售东部分公司;
【基金】:中国石油化工股份有限公司科研项目“川气东送数字化管道系统研发及运行优化技术”(编号:35150000-14-ZC0607-0003) 国家科技支撑计划项目“基于风险的油气管道事故预防关键技术研究”(编号:2011BAK06B01-11)
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