发布时间:2019-03-01 19:59
【摘要】:为了了解隧道内油气管道在地震载荷工况下的应力分布情况,有必要对其进行应力分析。基于地震响应谱分析法,采用CAESAR Ⅱ软件建立了地震载荷工况下中缅某段隧道内油气管道的应力模型,对其进行应力分析,并校核了油气管道的位移、应力是否符合规范。分析研究了管道的最危险截面;计算出了危险弯管的应力比率,校核了应力允许值;分析得出,轴向地震作用与综合地震作用对管道影响较大,应重点校核管道的轴向地震与综合地震作用下的应力变化,并加强监测力度;通过对油气管道的位移校核得出,轴向地震作用与综合地震作用对隧道内油气管道的位移影响较大;地震作用下隧道内轴向位移较其他两方向位移较大,应重点监测。对斜管长度、覆土深度、管道内压等影响因素进行研究得出:架空段管道长度与倾角、地震烈度、管道运行温度与管道内压对穿越地震带隧道管道应力影响较大;而覆土段管道长度与倾角、覆土深度对管道影响较小。
[Abstract]:In order to understand the stress distribution of oil and gas pipeline in tunnel under seismic load, it is necessary to analyze the stress. Based on the seismic response spectrum analysis method, the stress model of oil and gas pipeline in a section of tunnel under seismic load condition is established by using CAESAR 鈪,
[Abstract]:In order to understand the stress distribution of oil and gas pipeline in tunnel under seismic load, it is necessary to analyze the stress. Based on the seismic response spectrum analysis method, the stress model of oil and gas pipeline in a section of tunnel under seismic load condition is established by using CAESAR 鈪,