[Abstract]:In the field test of the sequential pipeline, the pressure difference between the first and final stations depends on the effect of the drag reducer and the ratio of the crude oil in the pipeline to the pipe capacity. Therefore, the calculation method of drag reduction rate of single crude oil pipeline can not be used to evaluate the effect of drag reducer. According to the operation examples of North Xinjiang oil and Kazakh oil in sequence transportation of Wushan-Shanshan crude oil pipeline, the evaluation method for the effect of drag-reducing agents in the sequential transportation process is put forward. When the additive oil injected at the first station of the pipeline and the unadded oil discharged from the final station are the same crude oil, the proportion of each kind of crude oil in the pipeline is the same, and the decrease of the pressure difference between the first station and the final station of the pipeline depends only on the drag reduction effect. Corresponding to the length of the pipeline injected with the additive oil, the friction produced by transporting the crude oil without additive in the pipeline section is obtained by theoretical calculation, and the ratio of the drop in the pressure difference between the first and final station and the friction is the drag reduction rate produced by the drag reducer to the pipeline transportation of the crude oil. Field tests show that the drag reduction rate of Kazakh oil conveying to Wushan-Shanshan line is 31.4% ~ 34.7% within the flow rate of 410 ~ 600 m ~ (3) / h with the addition of drag reducing agent (A) in the range of 410 ~ 600 m ~ 3 / h; When B was added, the drag reduction rate was 15.8% / 17.2% in the flow rate range of 550 / 933 m ~ 3 路h ~ (- 1).
【作者单位】: 中国石油大学(北京)/油气管道输送安全国家工程实验室/城市油气输配技术北京市重点实验室;中国石油天然气股份有限公司西部管道分公司;中国石油天然气股份有限公司天然气与管道分公司;
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