发布时间:2019-05-15 17:41
【摘要】:稠油是原油的一种,主要成分为胶质和沥青质,且具有较高粘度。稠油的地面密度要比0.943高,而且粘度要大于50厘泊。正是稠油具有较高密度,所以被又称作重油。重油矿藏的形成主要是因为生物降解作用,导致原油中的天然气含量以及轻质原油成分受到破坏,导致原油轻质馏分低,且含气量也相对较低,一般在200℃环境下馏分要比10%小,其内含汽油比也要低于10m3/t,甚至有的低于5 m3/t,具有饱和压力相对较低,且天然能力较小的特性。当前针对稠油的开采技术中,螺杆泵无疑是其中较为新型的技术,而且在国内外已经得到了广泛应用。这种技术要比传统的油梁抽油机开采技术相比,具有更高的开采效率,而且排砂能力和节能水平都相对较高,从管理上也相对简单,更容易操作。针对稠油为主的矿藏区域而言是非常合适的开采技术。上世纪八十年代中期,在加拿大开始研发并首先采用了这种开采技术,当时为了提升稠油的开采效益,减低采油成本而进行开发的一种新型开采技术。该项技术经过十几年的发展如今已经变得相当成熟。加拿大不仅那些小型的石油公司广泛采用,如今那些Husky以及Suncor和Texaco等大型的石油公司也开始广泛运用这项技术。加拿大采用螺杆泵技术进行开采的油井就多达6000以上,产油量达到总产量的1/40。本文研究的重点就是分析螺杆泵开采技术在具有排砂重、油分稠的稠油矿藏区的具体应用,并对涉及到的参数进行研究和评价。这对于优化稠油的开采技术,推进螺杆泵技术的应用水平,提升采油的经济收益都具有积极的意义。
[Abstract]:Heavy oil is a kind of crude oil, which is mainly composed of colloid and asphaltene, and has high viscosity. The ground density of heavy oil is 0.943 higher and the viscosity is more than 50 centimeters. It is heavy oil that has high density, so it is also called heavy oil. The formation of heavy oil reservoir is mainly due to biodegradation, which leads to the destruction of natural gas content and light crude oil composition in crude oil, resulting in low light fraction and relatively low gas content of crude oil. Generally speaking, the fraction is smaller than 10% at 200 鈩,
[Abstract]:Heavy oil is a kind of crude oil, which is mainly composed of colloid and asphaltene, and has high viscosity. The ground density of heavy oil is 0.943 higher and the viscosity is more than 50 centimeters. It is heavy oil that has high density, so it is also called heavy oil. The formation of heavy oil reservoir is mainly due to biodegradation, which leads to the destruction of natural gas content and light crude oil composition in crude oil, resulting in low light fraction and relatively low gas content of crude oil. Generally speaking, the fraction is smaller than 10% at 200 鈩,