[Abstract]:The geological reserves of the first class of reservoirs in Xingbei Development Zone are 22460 脳 10 ~ 4 t. Since the industrial polymer flooding was carried out in 2002, there have been 10 industrial polymer flooding blocks, and the polymer flooding reserves have reached 8111.9 脳 10 ~ 4 t. At present, the geological reserves of the tertiary oil recovery are 14348.1 脳 10 ~ 4 t. Polymer flooding in the first class of reservoirs in the northern Changyuan Oilfield of Daqing has basically ended, and the enhanced recovery of polymer flooding is more than 10 percentage points. At present, the main production object of polymer flooding in northern oil field is type II reservoir. According to the development effect of polymer flooding block, ordinary polymer flooding can improve oil recovery by more than 10 percentage points than water flooding, but due to the influence of reservoir heterogeneity, the production condition of middle and low permeability layer is relatively poor, and the continuous production ratio of effective thickness during polymer injection is only about 55%. The contradiction of inefficient and ineffective cycle is aggravated in the middle and late stage of polymer injection, and the polymer dosage increases and the development benefit of polymer flooding becomes worse. The contradiction such as the increase of injection difficult wells and the poor effect of injection measures make it more difficult to track and adjust in the middle and late stage of polymer injection. At present, the development direction of polymer flooding technology is to study the reservoir adaptability of polymer flooding injection parameters, the oil displacement effect of different molecular weight and different concentrations of multi-slug combination, and the effective methods to control the cost input of polymer flooding and improve the efficiency and economic benefit of polymer flooding. In view of the characteristics of serious heterogeneity, slow pressure rise, fast polymer breakthrough and poor reservoir production in the 125 m well distance polymer flooding block in the west of Xing1 ~ 3 district, in order to maximize oil recovery and reduce the input cost of chemical agent, 4 # station was selected to carry out the test of polymer flooding extraction efficiency, and by optimizing the design of oil displacement scheme, deepening the research of tracking and adjusting technology and standardizing the technical flow of measures, etc. To develop and perfect the technical methods of polymer flooding efficiency and guide the development and adjustment of polymer flooding blocks in the future. In this paper, the reservoir fine description in the study area is carried out, the technical limits of the minimum scale personalized design are determined, the most timely and effective tracking and adjustment methods are studied, and the various systems of polymer flooding are improved. The test results show that compared with block II and station 2 in the west of Xingyi ~ 3 district, the consumption of polymer dry powder is saved by 13.3%, the reservoir production degree is increased by 6.7%, and the oil recovery is increased by 1.09%. The technical and economic effect is better and has a broad application prospect.
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