[Abstract]:In order to strengthen the control and monitoring of cluster hole trajectory, a bit position prediction model for shallow drilling is established based on the vibration signal of broken rock. By studying the vibration characteristics of bit drilling and the propagation and attenuation of vibration wave in casing and formation, it is recognized that it is feasible to determine the distance between wellbore according to the vibration signal energy collected at casing head, and then to locate the field strength of bit position. Based on the wellbore trajectory measurement data of risky wells and the circumferential ranging and positioning algorithm, the calculation method of bit geodetic coordinates is derived. According to the field monitoring data of a platform in Bohai Sea, the three-dimensional trajectory of positive drilling hole is calculated by using the established model, and the calculated wellbore trajectory is compared with the actual wellbore trajectory. The results show that the model can effectively locate the bit position and determine the bit direction under certain conditions, which provides the basis for collision prevention and early warning.
【作者单位】: 中国石油大学(华东)石油工程学院;中石化胜利钻井工程技术公司定向井公司;中国电波传播研究所;
【基金】:国家“973”计划(2015CB251200) “十二五”国家科技重大专项(2011ZX05057-002-006,2011ZX05024-002-010)资助
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