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发布时间:2019-07-03 19:50
[Abstract]:Due to sedimentary reasons, natural gas reservoirs are usually composed of multiple reservoirs, and the properties of each reservoir are not the same. In the process of natural gas exploitation, from the economic point of view, multiple strata will be fired at the same time, so that the gas of each formation will flow to the wellbore at the same time, and each formation will affect each other. Therefore, the gas reservoir model of homogeneous single formation can not be used to solve the double layer gas reservoir. Based on the study of seepage mechanism of double-layer gas reservoir, three mathematical models of unstable seepage of circular double-layer gas reservoir with fixed production considering skin effect and wellbore reservoir effect under three different external boundary conditions are established in this paper. For gas reservoirs, because the properties of natural gas, such as viscosity, compression coefficient and deviation factor, are related to pressure, the governing equation is strongly nonlinear, but the governing equation can be linearized by introducing quasi-pressure function. In the process of linearizing the governing equation, the solution of the linear seepage model of the double-layer gas reservoir and the solution of the nonlinear seepage model of the double-layer gas reservoir considering the variation of the diffusion coefficient with the pressure are discussed respectively in this paper. By defining the quasi-time factor, the governing equation of the double-layer gas reservoir considering the diffusion coefficient can be linearized, and the mathematical model of unstable seepage of the double-layer gas reservoir considering the skin effect and wellbore reservoir effect under three different external boundary conditions considering the diffusion coefficient can be solved by using Laplace transform and Bessel function. In this paper, by solving the bottom hole quasi-pressure solution and each formation production solution of nonlinear seepage model of circular double-layer gas reservoir considering skin effect and wellbore reservoir effect under three different external boundary conditions, the dimensionless bottom hole quasi-pressure derivative and dimensionless bottom hole quasi-pressure derivative of double-layer gas reservoir and the relationship between dimensionless production and time of local strata are drawn respectively. Furthermore, the influence and sensitivity of wellbore reservoir coefficient, skin factor, interlayer flow coefficient ratio, interlayer storage capacity ratio, initial formation pressure and discharge radius on the bottom hole pressure and local production of circular double layer gas reservoir with fixed production considering skin effect and wellbore storage effect under three different external boundary conditions are discussed, and the corresponding examples are given to analyze the influence and sensitivity of wellbore storage coefficient, skin factor, interlayer flow coefficient ratio, interlayer storage ratio, initial formation pressure and discharge radius on the bottom hole pressure and local production of circular double layer gas reservoir with fixed production under three different external boundary conditions. The well test analysis chart drawn in this paper can be used to analyze and calculate the parameters of formation and wellbore, and provides a basis for accurately describing the dynamic characteristics of double-layer gas reservoirs and predicting the production trend.


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