发布时间:2020-12-07 02:09
段塞流是油气混输过程中油气输送通道路径改变而引起的一种特殊现象,导致流体压力波动并进而和结构耦合。对于深水立管系统,这种动力耦合严重恶化了系统的动力响应,是立管的疲劳破坏的主要因素之一。由于段塞流形成过程流体瞬时压力波动及其传播的机理和规律没能突破,段塞流和立管系统的耦合作用的研究更加困难。本博士论文就是在这种背景下开展的相关理论和数值模拟工作,核心进展体现在:1、通过深入研究段塞流的形成及与立管结构相互作用的机理,建立了反映段塞流与深水立管动力耦合的立管系统动力学模型及相应微分方程,为严重段塞流条件下立管系统的设计和安全运行奠定了理论基础。2、提出了一种ANHE-FD混合算法,即应用ANHE(Adaptive Node-Based Height Evaluator)算法结合有限差分(FD,Finite Difference),获得了严重段塞过程中立管振动方程的数值解法。这为严重段塞流的流体与结构相互作用(FSI)分析提供了计算技术。3、将多相流模拟器OLGA 7和结构分析软件ABAQUS有机结合起来,提出了解决严重段塞流与深水立管动力耦合的数值计算方法,为得到整个立管系统在段塞流过程...
【文章来源】:中国石油大学(北京)北京市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:158 页
Chapter1 Research Background
1.1 Multiphase flows
1.1.1 Two-phase flows
1.1.2 Three-phase flows
1.2 Two-phase flow patterns
1.2.1 Flow patterns in horizontal pipes
1.2.2 Flow patterns in a vertical pipe
1.2.3 Flow patterns map
1.3 Overview of severe slugging phenomenon
1.4 Review on the hydrodynamics of offshore slender structures
1.4.1 Flow-induced vibrations
1.4.2 Dynamical models for riser pipe analysis
1.4.3 Numerical solution methods for differential equations
1.5 Load spectrum for offshore riser structures
1.6 Aims of this thesis
1.7 Scope
Chapter2 Two-phase Flow Patterns for Severe Slugging in Deepwater Flowline-Riser System:An Experimental Investigation
2.1 Overview of liquid-liquid two-phase flows
2.2 Experimental materials and test facility
2.2.1 Test facility
2.2.2 Test fluids
2.2.3 Experimental procedure
2.3 Flow pattern behaviour of the liquid-liquid two-phase flow test
2.3.1 Stratified flow(ST)
2.3.2 Stratified flow with mixing interface(ST&MI)
w?0)"> 2.3.3 Dispersion of water in oil flow( Dw?0)
2.3.4 Water holdup analysis( )
2.4 Summary of this Chapter
Chapter3 Numerical Simulation of Severe Slugging and its Stress Impact on Deepwater Risers:A Coupled Numerical Technique
3.1 Brief introduction
3.2 Numerical Simulation Procedures in OLGA 7
3.2.1 Generating fluid properties table for the fluid model
3.2.2 Modeling of the contextual pipeline-riser geometry
3.2.3 Inlet and boundary conditions
3.2.4 Slug tracking and pressure-time series predictions
3.3 Numerical Simulation Procedures with ABAQUS 6.14
3.3.1 Flowline-riser pipe cross-section
3.3.2 Material assignment
3.3.3 Elastic property for the steel material
3.3.4 Plastic property for the steel material
3.3.5 Load and boundary conditions
3.3.6 Meshing of the part instance
3.3.7 Simulation algorithm
3.4 Stress analysis
3.4.1 Normal stress
3.4.2 Shear stress analysis
3.4.3 Von mises stress analysis
3.5 Summary of this Chapter
Chapter4 A Mathematical Model for the Interaction Between Severe Slug Buildup and Dynamic Response of a Top-tensioned Riser
4.1 Overview
4.2 Mathematical model for the riser pipe analysis
4.2.1 Boundary conditions for the riser model
4.2.2 Initial conditions
4.3 Solution to the governing equations of motion of the riser model
4.3.1 Approximations to the equation?s derivatives
4.3.2 Spatial and temporal discretisation schemes
4.3.3 Description of ANHE algorithm for the time-variant slug buildup in the riser
4.4 Vibrational analysis of the riser structure
4.4.1 Transverse displacement of the riser pipe
4.4.2 Spatial displacement of the riser structure
4.4.3 Effect of liquid velocity on transverse displacement of the riser
4.5 Summary of this Chapter
Chapter5 Dynamic Characterisation of Deepwater Risers During Severe Slug Buildup
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Physical and mathematical model for the deepwater riser structure
5.3 Dynamic solution of the riser structure
5.3.1 Transverse vibration of the riser structure
5.3.2 Spatial displacement of the riser at different time increment
5.3.3 Effect of liquid velocity on transverse vibration of the riser
5.3.4 Impact of liquid fallback on dynamic response of slender structure
5.3.5 Effect of volumetric gas fraction and slip ratio on riser vibration
5.3.6 Severity of liquid slugs on the vibrational response of different riser length
5.3.7 Damping frequency analysis of different riser to liquid slug load
5.4 Numerical simulation of the present problem with Abaqus6.
5.4.1 3Dmodel of the riser structure and its mesh properties
5.4.2 Material and mesh properties for the fluid model
5.4.3 Boundary and initial conditions of the fluid domain
5.4.4 Loads and boundary conditions for the coupled fluid and and structure models
5.4.5 Modal analysis
5.5 Comparative result analysis
5.5.1 Transverse vibration of the scaled riser
5.5.2 Spatial deflection of the scaled riser structure
5.5.3 Comparison of the finite difference solution to other literature
Chapter6 Conclusions and Recommendations
6.1 Conclusions
6.2 Recommendations
【文章来源】:中国石油大学(北京)北京市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:158 页
Chapter1 Research Background
1.1 Multiphase flows
1.1.1 Two-phase flows
1.1.2 Three-phase flows
1.2 Two-phase flow patterns
1.2.1 Flow patterns in horizontal pipes
1.2.2 Flow patterns in a vertical pipe
1.2.3 Flow patterns map
1.3 Overview of severe slugging phenomenon
1.4 Review on the hydrodynamics of offshore slender structures
1.4.1 Flow-induced vibrations
1.4.2 Dynamical models for riser pipe analysis
1.4.3 Numerical solution methods for differential equations
1.5 Load spectrum for offshore riser structures
1.6 Aims of this thesis
1.7 Scope
Chapter2 Two-phase Flow Patterns for Severe Slugging in Deepwater Flowline-Riser System:An Experimental Investigation
2.1 Overview of liquid-liquid two-phase flows
2.2 Experimental materials and test facility
2.2.1 Test facility
2.2.2 Test fluids
2.2.3 Experimental procedure
2.3 Flow pattern behaviour of the liquid-liquid two-phase flow test
2.3.1 Stratified flow(ST)
2.3.2 Stratified flow with mixing interface(ST&MI)
w?0)"> 2.3.3 Dispersion of water in oil flow( Dw?0)
2.3.4 Water holdup analysis( )
2.4 Summary of this Chapter
Chapter3 Numerical Simulation of Severe Slugging and its Stress Impact on Deepwater Risers:A Coupled Numerical Technique
3.1 Brief introduction
3.2 Numerical Simulation Procedures in OLGA 7
3.2.1 Generating fluid properties table for the fluid model
3.2.2 Modeling of the contextual pipeline-riser geometry
3.2.3 Inlet and boundary conditions
3.2.4 Slug tracking and pressure-time series predictions
3.3 Numerical Simulation Procedures with ABAQUS 6.14
3.3.1 Flowline-riser pipe cross-section
3.3.2 Material assignment
3.3.3 Elastic property for the steel material
3.3.4 Plastic property for the steel material
3.3.5 Load and boundary conditions
3.3.6 Meshing of the part instance
3.3.7 Simulation algorithm
3.4 Stress analysis
3.4.1 Normal stress
3.4.2 Shear stress analysis
3.4.3 Von mises stress analysis
3.5 Summary of this Chapter
Chapter4 A Mathematical Model for the Interaction Between Severe Slug Buildup and Dynamic Response of a Top-tensioned Riser
4.1 Overview
4.2 Mathematical model for the riser pipe analysis
4.2.1 Boundary conditions for the riser model
4.2.2 Initial conditions
4.3 Solution to the governing equations of motion of the riser model
4.3.1 Approximations to the equation?s derivatives
4.3.2 Spatial and temporal discretisation schemes
4.3.3 Description of ANHE algorithm for the time-variant slug buildup in the riser
4.4 Vibrational analysis of the riser structure
4.4.1 Transverse displacement of the riser pipe
4.4.2 Spatial displacement of the riser structure
4.4.3 Effect of liquid velocity on transverse displacement of the riser
4.5 Summary of this Chapter
Chapter5 Dynamic Characterisation of Deepwater Risers During Severe Slug Buildup
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Physical and mathematical model for the deepwater riser structure
5.3 Dynamic solution of the riser structure
5.3.1 Transverse vibration of the riser structure
5.3.2 Spatial displacement of the riser at different time increment
5.3.3 Effect of liquid velocity on transverse vibration of the riser
5.3.4 Impact of liquid fallback on dynamic response of slender structure
5.3.5 Effect of volumetric gas fraction and slip ratio on riser vibration
5.3.6 Severity of liquid slugs on the vibrational response of different riser length
5.3.7 Damping frequency analysis of different riser to liquid slug load
5.4 Numerical simulation of the present problem with Abaqus6.
5.4.1 3Dmodel of the riser structure and its mesh properties
5.4.2 Material and mesh properties for the fluid model
5.4.3 Boundary and initial conditions of the fluid domain
5.4.4 Loads and boundary conditions for the coupled fluid and and structure models
5.4.5 Modal analysis
5.5 Comparative result analysis
5.5.1 Transverse vibration of the scaled riser
5.5.2 Spatial deflection of the scaled riser structure
5.5.3 Comparison of the finite difference solution to other literature
Chapter6 Conclusions and Recommendations
6.1 Conclusions
6.2 Recommendations