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发布时间:2016-07-07 22:00


中国石油产业的市场开放与政府管制研究 Market opening and government regulation of oil industry in China

  • 分类: 世界经济
  • 作者:林健民 作者本人请参看权利申明










    Along with China's reform and opening up process, China's oil belongings governance systems produced serious change, completed the change from the highly centralized planned economic system to the socialist market economic system, oil furniture market gradually opening up, from a closed or semi closed state to comprehensive and open change, initially formed a market operation mechanism. But China's oil market is the product of the planned economy, the initial market structure is through the process of administrative decree, capital allocation which, there is a lack of effective operation of competition mechanism. At the same time, China's dependence on foreign oil is continuously reduced, economic growth on oil demand and further increase the degree of attachment, in the face of gradually to enter the competition in China's foreign big oil companies, how to optimize governance of China's petroleum possessions, further perfect furniture city oil field is constructed, progress China petroleum enterprise international competition ability and oil capital equipment effectiveness, ensure the safety of China's power is in imminent danger of serious problems. Under the guidance of the shelter in the world coherent from the perspective of the historical process of the theory and practice of static, our country economic system growth and transformation, international oil belongings growth state and standard and empirical multi-level, and belongings of organization learning, bundle economics classical theory, oil to China furniture market opening and authorities bundle research, focusing on the eve of the strategic significance and practical significance to our country petroleum belongings growth. This article through the analysis that, although the existence of natural monopoly characteristic of petroleum possessions, but on the whole with non natural monopoly, competition along with the economic characteristics of the petroleum belongings occurs, the oil of belongings of non natural monopoly is this article to study the logical end. One is to use the international oil market opening and governmental regulation research. Through the analysis of the process of international petroleum possessions of the development history, current situation and trends, summarize characteristics and experiences of foreign oil Dangdang Bureau tube bundle and the opening of the market, to guide our country petroleum belongings growth has main effect, for the growth of China's oil belongings to clear bias. Oil capital governance systems is oil belongings management system an important component of the Department, the governance mode of the nations can points concentrated forms of governance, absolute concentration forms of governance and governance form evacuation, important to form concentrated mainly, authority management function are strong. The world petroleum industry system important can be classified as the Eastern oil producers in taking the public ownership as the market type, the East oil producer in the country's leading, growing Chinese state monopoly, Oriental non oil producing country intervention to market led four. And according to the relationship between the authorities and the state oil company, world oil capital operation management can be divided into non national oil companies by government agencies, the national capital management petroleum oil company but does not participate in the oil capital management, the state oil company to assist the authorities to exercise authority, national oil sector governance and oil capital management, the state oil company monopoly downstream oil oil capital governance parallel property in five forms, all countries in the world in order to ensure that this strategy of oil capital of peace, showed the authorities to use the oil control, countries because of historical era and the growing degree of divergence, bundle and market opening degree is also different. Through the process analysis, can find the important oil producing countries of the eve of the multi formulate laws and regulations of the oil, and established in accordance with the law absolutely independent oil belongings bundle structure. World oil possessions by the oligarchic monopoly format to format of monopolistic competition, competition situation and the subject will redouble its diversification, the monopolistic competitive market trend significantly. The second is through the analysis of the process of Chinese Petroleum Bureau of Dangdang bundle and operation forms of history helps us to master our country petroleum belongings growth stage of history and the existing problems. Chinese authorities on oil possessions of the bundle evolution and belongings of organizational change and market opening process can be divided into four stages, the previous transformation and adjustment, the focus is on restructuring of petroleum belongings of market structure in must level break the monopoly, introduce competition, furniture market as a whole is slowly open. Today, China's petroleum reserves, the overall upward trend, the crude oil products increased more slowly, but as China's crude oil processing capacity and product oil processing to ceaseless promotion, crude oil processing volume, product oil crude oil production and export volume rapid growth, dependence on foreign oil is continuous rise. At the same time, the oil consumption has increased steadily, and our national economy growth demand for petroleum and its products will still maintain a relatively high rate of increase; via the process of China's petroleum market and possessions centralized planned objectives, the invention of China Petroleum belongings market structure by planning management system, systems of administrative monopoly gradually to the oligopoly competition market mechanism change, but our country petroleum belongings barriers to entry is still relatively high, the market remains to be further open, oil belongings capital set furnishings and equipment effectiveness in improving but still low, still has the characteristics of administrative monopoly, administrative monopoly formed social welfare loss. The three is the analysis of the oil in China's National Bureau of the existence of the results and the theory of...


    摘要5-8Abstract8-121 导论19-37    1.1 研究背景与研究意义19-22        1.1.1 研究背景与问题的提出19-21        1.1.2 选题的理论意义与现实意义21-22    1.2 文献综述22-33        1.2.1 国内外政府管制研究22-24        1.2.2 国内外产业市场开放研究24-26        1.2.3 产业组织理论的演进26-29        1.2.4 国外学者对石油产业的研究29-30        1.2.5 国内学者对石油产业的研究30-33    1.3 研究方法及研究内容33-36        1.3.1 研究视角与研究方法33-34        1.3.2 基本思路与研究内容34-36    1.4 创新点与不足36-372 市场开放与政府管制的相关理论37-55    2.1 石油产业与石油产业的垄断性37-45        2.1.1 石油产业37-38        2.1.2 石油产业的经济特征38-41        2.1.3 垄断和垄断性行业41-43        2.1.4 石油产业的自然垄断特征和非自然垄断性43-45    2.2 政府管制的内涵及理论依据45-49        2.2.1 政府管制的内涵45-47        2.2.2 规范性理论依据——公共利益管制理论47-48        2.2.3 实证性理论依据——利益集团管制理论48-49    2.3 市场开放相关理论49-53        2.3.1 实践中政府管制存在的问题及放松管制49-52        2.3.2 新自由主义的经济学理论与社会主义市场经济理论52-53    2.4 本章小结53-553 国际石油产业市场开放与政府管制55-77    3.1 世界石油产业及产业组织发展55-59        3.1.1 石油产业形成时期的寡头垄断形成55-56        3.1.2 大油田相继发现时期的卡特尔56        3.1.3 石油产业黄金发展时期垄断竞争格局初现56-57        3.1.4 石油产业缓慢发展时期的垄断竞争格局形成57-59    3.2 世界各国石油资源管理体制模式及石油工业体系59-64        3.2.1 世界主要产油国家石油资源管理体制模式59-64    3.3 世界各国石油资源经营管理模式64-67    3.4 各国石油产业管制程度及市场开放水平67-73        3.4.1 国家干预程度高且严格限制非国有资本进入的模式67-69        3.4.2 国家干预程度高但适当鼓励非国有资本进入的模式69-71        3.4.3 国家干预程度比较强但市场开放程度也比较高的模式71-73        3.4.4 国家干预程度相对较弱且市场开放程度比较高的模式73    3.5 世界石油产业政府管制及产业结构特征73-77        3.5.1 制定石油法规,实行立法管理73-74        3.5.2 依法设立相对独立的石油产业管制机构74-75        3.5.3 世界石油产业结构特征及发展趋势75-774 中国石油产业的管理体制和经营模式的历史分析77-108    4.1 中国石油产业管理体制变革下的产业组织变迁77-81        4.1.1 高度集中管理体制下的国家垄断时期(1949-1982)77-78        4.1.2 石油产业初步改革下的寡占时期(1982-1998)78        4.1.3 石油产业重组阶段的寡头垄断结构(1998-2003)78-79        4.1.4 石油产业初步市场化阶段寡头竞争初现(2003至今)79        4.1.5 我国石油产业管理体制改革及产业组织调整的主要成就79-81    4.2 现行管制和市场结构下的石油供给和需求状况81-88        4.2.1 我国石油生产及消费状况81-85        4.2.2 我国石油需求状况85-88    4.3 我国石油产业组织分析88-103        4.3.1 我国石油产业市场结构88-93        4.3.2 我国石油产业进入壁垒93-100        4.3.3 我国石油产业配置效率100-103    4.4 我国石油产业行政垄断的特征及造成的社会福利损失103-106        4.4.1 我国石油产业的行政垄断特征103-104        4.4.2 石油产业行政垄断社会福利损失机理分析104-106    4.5 本章小结106-1085 中国油产业政府管制的主要问题及其成因108-121    5.1 我国石油产业管理体制存在的主要问题108-113        5.1.1 管制缺乏完整的法律基础108-110        5.1.2 石油政策缺乏连续性110        5.1.3 政府管理职能相对弱化、监督有限110-112        5.1.4 石油产业价格机制不健全112-113    5.2 成因分析113-117        5.2.1 传统行政干预模式的后遗症113        5.2.2 缺少统一的石油产业管理机构和独立的监管机构113-116        5.2.3 石油产业缺乏市场机制116-117    5.3 市场开放与政府管制调整的提出117-120        5.3.1 进一步完善市场经济的需要117        5.3.2 规范政府行为的需要117-118        5.3.3 优化产业组织的需要118        5.3.4 改善社会福利的需要118-120    5.4 本章小结120-1216 中国石油产业市场开放与政府管制调整121-140    6.1 市场开放与政府管制调整的指导思想及基本原则121-123        6.1.1 指导思想121        6.1.2 基本原则121-123    6.2 中国石油产业政府管制调整123-130        6.2.1 自然垄断性与竞争性业务相分离,上下游区别管制123-125        6.2.2 完善石油产业管制机构和行为建设125-127        6.2.3 完善石油产业管制的法律体系127-128        6.2.4 建立高效率的价格机制128-130    6.3 中国石油产业市场开放及产业组织调整130-138        6.3.1 中国石油产业组织调整的目标130-132        6.3.2 寡头竞争市场结构的构建步骤132-133        6.3.3 放开市场,引入竞争机制133-134        6.3.4 加强国家石油公司的竞合134-136        6.3.5 增强我国石油企业国际竞争力136-138    6.4 本章小结138-1407 中国石油长庆油田市场开放与政府管制的案例分析140-148    7.1 长庆油田的发展简介140-141    7.2 中石油集团在“走出去”战略下迅速发展141-143    7.3 长庆油田市场开放经验143-146        7.3.1 开放市场,引入市场竞争机制143        7.3.2 强化竞争,依靠市场配置资源143-144        7.3.3 创新体制,推动资源优势整合144        7.3.4 创新技术,形成强大生产动力144-145        7.3.5 创新管理,力促发展方式转变145-146    7.4 主要研究结论146-148中外文参考文献148-152攻博期间发表的科研成果目录152-153致谢153






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