本文关键词:kSZ效应的组分分析 出处:《天文学进展》2016年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:运动学Sunyaev Zel’dovich效应(kSZ效应)是探索失踪重子这一天体物理学核心问题的新兴手段。近期的一系列CMB实验正逐步实现对kSZ效应功率谱的测量,并将在可预见的未来实现精确测量。但是,kSZ功率谱中各气体组分的贡献还缺乏细致的研究,导致其探索失踪重子的能力缺乏量化。通过一组初始条件相同,气体物理不同的流体力学数值模拟,定量地分析了不同的气体组分对kSZ效应的贡献。其中,作为研究失踪重子的热门候选,温热星系际介质对于kSZ功率谱的贡献很大,因此k SZ功率谱是用于寻找宇宙中失踪重子很有效的方法之一。但由于星系团内热气体也贡献相当程度的kSZ功率谱,因此,用kSZ功率谱的观测作为探测和定量分析失踪重子方法,还需要更仔细的分析。
[Abstract]:Kinematics Sunyaev Zel'dovich effect / KSZ effect). It is a new method to explore the missing baryon, which is the core problem of astrophysics. A series of recent CMB experiments are gradually realizing the measurement of the power spectrum of the kSZ effect. The precise measurement will be realized in the foreseeable future, but the contribution of gas components in KSZ power spectrum has not been studied in detail. In this paper, the contribution of different gas components to the kSZ effect is quantitatively analyzed by using a set of numerical simulations of fluid dynamics with the same initial conditions and different gas physics, which leads to the lack of quantification of its ability to explore the missing baryon. As a popular candidate for the study of missing baryons, warm and thermal intergalactic media contribute greatly to the kSZ power spectrum. Therefore, kSZ power spectrum is one of the most effective methods for finding missing baryons in the universe. However, thermal gases in the cluster also contribute to the kSZ power spectrum to a considerable extent. Using kSZ power spectrum observation as a method for detecting and quantifying missing baryons requires more careful analysis.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院上海天文台星系与宇宙学重点实验室;中国科学院大学;
【正文快照】: 1引言根据大爆炸核合成理论(Big-bang Nucleosynthesis,BBN),宇宙中重子物质的密度?bh275 0.04,?b≡ρb/ρcrit。此预言也得到QSO吸收线的氘丰度观测[?],以及自WMAP首次观测[?]起至最新的Planck 2015[?]等众多的CMB观测的支持。虽然高红移处的Lymanα吸收线观测到的重子符合BB
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