本文选题:月球 + 岩浆洋 ; 参考:《岩石学报》2016年01期
[Abstract]:The study of magmatic ocean plays an important role in understanding the interior structure of the moon. The dominant model of lunar magmatic ocean evolution is that the magmatic ocean crystallizes to about 80% and the plagioclase begins to crystallize and float to form the plagioclase lunar crust. There are two contradictions between this model and observational facts. (1) based on this model, the number of an grade of crystal plagioclase is lower than the test result of the grade of plagioclase an of highland sample.) the calculation of heat dissipation rate of this model indicates that the magmatic ocean solidifies in several million years. The results of isotopic dating of lunar rock samples show that the crystallization age of lunar crust is very old and the crystallization interval is 270Myr, which is contradictory with the dominant model. In order to solve the above two contradictions, this paper demonstrates the existence of cooling "capping" in the magmatic ocean at the beginning of evolution, and introduces the thermal diffusion effect of silicate melt at the temperature gradient into the magmatic ocean evolution model. Thermal diffusion effect refers to the process of differentiation of homogeneous substances at temperature gradient. The working model of this paper is that the temperature of the lunar magmatic ocean surface is very low because of the low gravity constant of the moon and the inability to maintain the atmosphere effectively. At this time, there is a transient solidified "cap" in the magmatic ocean from top to bottom (quenching layer, temperature gradient from top to bottom in magmatic ocean). The thermal diffusion effect of Soret effect and Soret effect in magmatic ocean lead to Ca rich and Na poor in the melt of the upper crystalline plagioclase, so the n grade of the crystalline plagioclase is high.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院地球化学研究所月球与行星科学研究中心;中国科学院地球化学研究所矿床地球化学国家重点实验室;中国科学院地球化学研究所环境地球化学国家重点实验室;
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