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发布时间:2018-05-22 16:18

  本文选题:似正规模 + 扁视界Kaluza-Klein黑洞 ; 参考:《复旦大学》2010年博士论文

【摘要】: 黑洞的似正规模一直是黑洞物理学研究的热点,它是指黑洞周围的物质场扰动波包在黑洞时空中演化的中期衰减行为,作为黑洞的“特征声音”被认为是直接探测黑洞存在的有力证据,将在以后几年的引力波实验中被观测到.对各种黑洞似正规模的深入研究和认识,有利于我们通过引力波实验探测黑洞的存在,能帮助我们在观测上进一步认识黑洞的特性.除此以外, AdS黑洞时空的似正规模能够在对偶共形场论中找到很好的解释,被认为是AdS/CFT对应性的探针.更有一些研究试图通过dS时空的似正规模和共形场论的关系来进一步讨论dS/CFT对应性.另外一些研究将平坦空间中似正规模频谱的实部与圈量子理论中的Barbero-Immirzi(BI)系数联系起来,揭示黑洞经典振动和其量子效应之间的联系.最近黑洞的似正规模还被用于提示黑洞相变.本文致力于通过数值方法研究某些特殊黑洞外部场扰动行为,以分析似正规模与背景黑洞特征参数的关系;分析动力学稳定性与热力学稳定性之间的联系;考虑吸积暗能量时周围扰动场的影响,提出观测暗能量的新方法;以及探讨黑洞相变在似正规模中的印迹等问题. 本文分为三部分:第一部分是绪论,介绍似正规模的概念、研究意义和现状,并介绍几种常用的计算似正规模的数值方法;第二部分是本文的核心,采用数值方法研究了某些特殊黑洞的似正规模,包括荷电扁视界Kaluza-Klein黑洞(SqKK黑洞)时空的似正规模及其热力学稳定性、Godel宇宙中荷电扁视界Kaluza-Klein黑洞(SqKK-Godel黑洞)时空中的似正规模现象、动态黑洞的似正规模与暗能量观测的研究,以及黑洞相变及其在似正规模中的印迹的研究;第三部分是本文的总结与展望。 具体来说,在第一章中,简单介绍了似正规模的概念、研究意义和现状,并介绍了常用的几种数值方法。 在第二章中,利用连续分数方法研究了荷电扁视界Kaluza-Klein黑洞(SqKK黑洞)时空无质量标量场扰动的似正规模.发现似正规模频谱能够反映比热容的不连续点。这说明反应动力学扰动的似正规模频谱与反应热力学稳定性的Davies点之间的确存在关联. 在第三章中,研究了Godel时空中荷电压扁视界Klauza-Klein黑洞(SqKK-Godel黑洞)的似正规模.发现由于宇宙的整体旋转,似正规模频谱呈现与以往各向同性、均匀宇宙不同的性质.此外我们也考察了视界被压扁的程度ρ0以及额外维度对似正规模的影响. 在第四章中,考虑被暗能量包裹的黑洞时空,发现由于黑洞吸积暗能量,黑洞自身的质量随时间发生改变.该动态时空的似正规模由于携带有暗能量状态参数w的信息,能帮助我们判断暗能量状态参数是大于还是小于w=-1.随着引力波探测手段的成熟,这将成为我们分析暗能量模型的有力工具. 在第五章中,研究了d维AdS荷电黑洞和AdS孤子外部荷电标量场的扰动.发现与纯标量场扰动时衰减的似正规模不同,荷电标量场的扰动在晚期出现增涨而非衰减的波形,这说明原来荷电AdS黑洞和AdS孤子背景开始变得不稳定.这一现象发生的时刻正好和发现的荷电标量场在该时空背景上凝聚的发生时刻吻合,反映了从原来的时空背景变成带荷电标量场毛的新时空的相变.但是在荷磁AdS孤子时空中我们却发现了持续振荡的波,这说明荷磁AdS孤子时空不同于荷电AdS孤子,在该时空不会发生标量荷凝聚,其似正规模上没有根本变化. 在第六章中我们对本文的工作进行了总结,并对后续研究进行了展望.
[Abstract]:The quasi - positive scale of a black hole has been a hot spot in the research of black hole physics . It refers to the mid - term attenuation behavior of a matter - field perturbation wave in the black hole , which is regarded as a probe for direct detection of black holes .
The relationship between dynamic stability and thermodynamic stability was analyzed .
A new method for observing dark energy is proposed considering the influence of the surrounding disturbance field when the dark energy is absorbed .
and probes into the problems such as the imprinting of the black hole phase transition in the quasi - positive scale .

This paper is divided into three parts : the first part is the introduction , introduces the concept , the significance and the present situation of the quasi - positive scale , and introduces several commonly used numerical methods for calculating the quasi - positive scale ;
The second part is the core of this paper , using numerical method to study the quasi - positive scale of some special black holes , including the quasi - positive scale and its thermodynamic stability of Kaluza - Klein black hole in charge - electric flat - horizon , the quasi - positive - scale phenomenon of the Kaluza - Klein black hole in Godel Universe , the study of the quasi - positive scale of the dynamic black hole and the observation of dark energy , and the study of the black hole transformation and its imprint in the quasi - positive scale ;
The third part is the summary and prospect of this paper .

In the first chapter , the concept , significance and present situation of quasi - positive scale are briefly introduced , and several common numerical methods are introduced .

In chapter 2 , the quasi - positive scale of space - time zero - mass scalar field perturbation of the Kaluza - Klein black hole in charge - flat optic horizon is studied by using the continuous fractional method . It is found that the quasi - positive - scale spectrum can reflect the discontinuity point of the specific heat capacity . This shows that there is a correlation between the quasi - positive - scale spectrum of the reaction dynamics disturbance and the thermodynamic stability of the reaction .

In chapter 3 , the quasi - positive scale of the Klauza - Klein black hole in the air - to - charge voltage in Godel is studied . It is found that , due to the overall rotation of the universe , the quasi - positive - scale spectrum exhibits a different property than that of the conventional isotropic and homogeneous universe .

In chapter 4 , considering the space - time of a black hole surrounded by dark energy , it is found that the mass of the black hole itself changes over time due to the dark energy absorbed by the black hole , which can help us judge whether the dark energy state parameter is larger or less than w = -1 due to the information of the dark energy state parameter w . This will become a powerful tool for analyzing the dark energy model as the gravitational wave detection means is mature .

In the fifth chapter , the perturbation of the external charge scalar field of the d - dimension AdS charge black hole and the AdS soliton is studied . It is found that the disturbance of the charge scalar field becomes unstable at the later stage when it is disturbed by the scalar field .

In chapter 6 , we summarize the work of this paper and prospect the follow - up study .


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