[Abstract]:The Magellanic Nebula is the nearest galaxy to our Milky way and the satellite galaxy of our Milky way. The low metal abundance environment of the Magellanic Nebula and its proximity to us are very useful for the study of the interactions of stars, clusters, planetary nebulae and galaxies. These factors make it a target system of interest to us. Visual survey of Magellanic Clouds system (VMC) survey is a survey project of the European Southern Observatory for the Magellanic Clouds system, which provides the near infrared observation images of the three bands of the Magellanic Clouds system (VMCs) for the Magellanic Clouds nebula. The observed images cover the major regions of the large and small Magellanic Nebula, their interconnected parts and some of the star flow regions. This is the most extensive survey of the Magellanic Nebula. As an important part of the VMC-survey project, the survey data is provided by Visa data processing system (pipeline), which processes the original observation images, including point source target extraction, photometry and final source table. Because the survey data processing system (pipeline) is based on the design of common scientific research target, it is not aimed at the dark source. Many researches require more accurate dark end data, and the data has a lower limit in a certain degree of completeness, but the processing results of the survey data processing system can not meet this requirement. In order to solve this problem, we selected the VMC completed survey area, through the processing of the original data, combined the survey data of many periods, manually carried out PSF photometry, obtained our latest source table, and then analyzed. The performance of the whole data in the dark end is described in detail. Finally, a set of data processing methods for the research of the dark end objects are provided. Our results are described as follows: 1. There is no systematic change of point diffusion function in the study region. 2. The performance of aperture photometry and point diffusion function photometry in processing VMC survey data and their differences to dark sources. 3. The difference between the new source table and the pipeline is that the photometry accuracy is higher, and the number of effective sources at the dark end is at least 30% higher (depending on the band, observation region) 4. Completeness curve with change of position. 5. Luminosity function of different star density regions.
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