[Abstract]:Coronal mass ejection (CME) is the most violent eruption phenomenon in the solar atmosphere and the main driving force of disastrous space weather. Its main source area is the solar active region (AR): more than 60% of CME is generated from the active region. But the explosive capacity of the active region is also different, some of the active regions are difficult to produce CME, and some can produce a lot of CME in a short time. E. What kind of active areas can produce CME? Why can some active areas produce CME frequently? Our work attempts to answer these two questions. To answer the first question, we compared NOAA 12192, an active area with frequent flares but few CME outbreaks, with four other active areas, two of which were produced. Many flares and CMEs, and few CMEs are produced in the other two active regions. By comparing the parameters of the photospherical vector magnetic field of SDO/HMI, we find that the three active regions which can produce many flares have larger flux, current and magnetic free energy than the other two inert active regions, i.e. they have larger area and contain a strong current system. Because sufficient magnetic free energy is a necessary condition for driving flares, this conclusion is understandable and consistent with previous studies. Further, we find that the CME bursting ability of the flares can be distinguished by combining the average current helicity and the total unsigned current helicity. The average current helicity (| Hc |) in the active region is large, but the values of NOAA 12192 and the other two active regions NOAA 11157 and 11428, which only produce many flares, are small. Considering the unsigned current helicity (Hctotal), the values of NOAA 12192 in the active region are the same as those of NOAA 11158, 11429 CME. In addition, by analyzing the current helicity distribution before the outbreak, we find that there is a concentration of strong current helicity on both sides of the main neutral line of the two active areas of CME, indicating that there is a magnetic rope in the two active areas. The decay factor of extrapolated coronal magnetic field shows that their coronal binding field also decays faster and weaker, and correspondingly, there is no such strong current helicity along both sides of the neutral line in the three active regions where there is no explosion or only flare. For the second problem, we first studied the waiting time of 281 quasi-homologous CMEs (CMEs from the same active region) from 28 superactive regions of the 23rd solar cycle. The first part is a Gaussian-like distribution with a peak value of about 7 hours. Statistically, there is a physical correlation between the CMEs falling in this component. The peak waiting time may be a time scale for the development of physical processes involved in quasi-homologous CMEs. We add two super-active regions of solar cycle 24: NOAA 11158 and 11429 to the sample and find that the waiting time still presents a two-component distribution. Among them, 188 quasi-homologous CMEs have a waiting time of less than 18 hours, showing a Gaussian-like score. We further pinpointed 142 quasi-homologous CMEs with waiting times of less than 18 hours: defined the same position of the same neutral line as the same magnetic source area, and different positions or neutrals of the same neutral line as different magnetic source areas; for a CME, if it is before it Finally, 90 (63%) S-type quasi-homologous CMEs and 52 (37%) D-type quasi-homologous CMEs were obtained. We further selected one case in each of the two quasi-homologous CMEs: the S-type quasi-homologous CME and its predecessor CME were all produced in the quadrupole field NOAA. A dipole system in 11158, two CMEs in the D-type quasi-homologous event originate from two different magnetic flux systems in ARNOAA 11429. Through detailed analysis of two cases, including attenuation exponent n, extrusion factor Q and the number of coils Tw, we find that in the S-type quasi-homologous CME, the magnetic rope undergoes a partial explosion. PROCESS: One part of the magnetic rope explodes into the first CME, while the other part remains and then explodes to form the second CME. This process can be regarded as a multi-stage release process of free energy. The main cause of a series of S-type CME bursts. In the D-type CME bursts, a magnetic rope on a neutral line partially explodes, forming the first CME and affecting the source region of the second CME, causing the upper branch of the two magnetic ropes above to erupt with the first CME. Since the upper branch of the magnetic rope is chirally opposite to the lower branch, it is originally paired down. The downward binding force exerted by the supporting magnetic rope disappears after its explosion, allowing the lower magnetic rope to expand, rise, and obtain greater spiral coiling through reconnection. Finally, the core magnetic rope of the second CME explodes, forming a second CME. These two types of CMEs may involve different physical processes: the S-type CME and the CME before it. In the process of repeated release of magnetic free energy, the D-type CME is more likely to be caused by the CME perturbation before it. The different peak values of the waiting time may be the characteristic time involved in the two different physical processes.
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