[Abstract]:The observation and study of five-star motion is one of the important contents of ancient calendars, and also one of the main methods to test the density of calendars. Therefore, ancient astronomers attached great importance to it. "the Chinese Book of Heaven" and "the continued History of the Han Dynasty" recorded about 160 movements of five stars with specific time and position. By using the modern astronomical calculation method, the calculation, verification, analysis and study of the bars are carried out, and the correct and wrong results are reflected in the graphs and tables. The results showed that the majority of 160 records were accurate and accurate, accounting for 77.5%. There were only 36 mistakes, accounting for 22.5. In addition, among 160 planetary motion records, there are three typical or special motion patterns, namely, "guard", "United" and "criminal", which account for 9% (14), 14% (22) and 29% (46) respectively. The three special motion patterns are analyzed and studied in detail, and the results are shown in the chart. The results show that the records of planetary motion in Han Dynasty are observational records. As for 36 wrong records, there are many reasons for the errors, but they are mainly caused by the processing, collation, editing and publishing of the observed data by later generations.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院紫金山天文台;
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