发布时间:2018-11-07 16:27
【摘要】:Ⅰa型超新星作为宇宙的"标准烛光"被用来测距并测定宇宙的膨胀历史以及确定暗能量的性质.一般认为Ⅰa型超新星可能源于接近1.4 M⊙碳氧白矮星的热核爆炸,但其爆发机制及前身星的性质还存在争论.这使得Ⅰa超新星距离测量可能存在的一些系统误差无法得到澄清.本文综述了当前Ⅰa型超新星的观测多样性特征以及相关的爆发机制和前身星模型.Ⅰa超新星的光谱和测光性质的弥散不能用单一的模型单简并或者双简并模型+几何效应来解释,这表明可能有多种渠道产生这类爆发.未来利用它们开展精确宇宙学研究需要对不同亚类的爆发进行区分和认证.
[Abstract]:Type I a supernova is used as the "standard candlelight" of the universe to measure distance, determine the expansion history of the universe and determine the properties of dark energy. It is generally believed that the type I a supernova may have originated from the thermal nuclear explosion of nearly 1.4 M _ (98) carbon oxygen white dwarf star, but the mechanism of the explosion and the properties of the predecessor star are still controversial. This makes it impossible to clarify some possible systematic errors in the measurement of the I a supernova distance. In this paper, the characteristics of observational diversity of type 鈪,
[Abstract]:Type I a supernova is used as the "standard candlelight" of the universe to measure distance, determine the expansion history of the universe and determine the properties of dark energy. It is generally believed that the type I a supernova may have originated from the thermal nuclear explosion of nearly 1.4 M _ (98) carbon oxygen white dwarf star, but the mechanism of the explosion and the properties of the predecessor star are still controversial. This makes it impossible to clarify some possible systematic errors in the measurement of the I a supernova distance. In this paper, the characteristics of observational diversity of type 鈪,