[Abstract]:In this work we mainly discuss a phenomenological model inspired by string theory which can be used in astronomy and cosmology. In this model, the matter is subjected to an additional force by coupling with the gauge field in string theory, which may be shown in some cosmological or astronomical phenomena and observations. We first introduce the model briefly from string theory, and then apply it to the interpretation of multiple cosmological or astronomical phenomena. The problems and phenomena involved include the rotation curve of galaxies and the anomalous precession of the perihelion of some planets in the solar system. In terms of the rotation curves of galaxies, we select the rotation curve data of 22 galaxies and use the string theory model to fit these curves. For comparison, a simple dark matter model is used to fit the same set of data. According to the fitting results, the string theory model and the dark matter model show similar fitting ability on this data source. The intensity of gauge field in string theory is used as a fitting parameter in the string theory model. According to the fitting of the curve data of 22 galaxies, the intensity of the gauge field in this group of galaxies covers about two orders of magnitude. Through dimensional analysis, we can also derive an equation from the string theory model about the intensity of the gauge field, the scale of the galaxy (size) and the total brightness of the galaxy. The equation is verified by using the data of 22 galaxies and the string theory model. We try to use this model to explain the anomalous precession of the perihelion of some planets in our solar system. Before this, we analyze the perihelion precession of the planet in the case of perturbation, and successfully solve the general precession problem in the following two cases: first, the perturbation is magnetic field force; Second, the perturbation is a general power center force. For the second case, we also obtain a simple rule to determine whether the perturbation leads to forward precession or reverse precession. We then apply the model to the recently observed anomalous precession of the perihelion of some planets in the solar system, assuming that the extra (magnetoid) force in the model caused the anomalous precession, using previously available theoretical tools on precession. We have calculated the intensity of the gauge field at the position of several planets in the solar system. According to the magnitude of the field intensity everywhere, we then fit the intensity distribution with a preset intensity form, in which the field in the solar system is superimposed by two components: one is the dipole like moment field produced by the sun. The other is the constant background field produced by other matter in the Milky way. As a comparison, we also estimate the field intensity in the Milky way by using the galactic rotation curve, which is in a similar order of magnitude to that obtained by the precession.
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