[Abstract]:Pulsars have been the focus of astronomers' attention since their discovery. Among the many research directions, the observation of pulsars' radiation spectrum is one of the hot spots, and it is also the understanding of the internal material composition of pulsars. Radiation mechanism and its electromagnetic environment is one of the most direct ways. At the same time, the development of VLBI has greatly enhanced the research of pulsars, and led the astrometry to a new stage of development with very high angular resolution. The research content of this paper is divided into two parts. Based on the brief description of the basic properties and research direction of pulsars, the radiation spectrum of pulsars is studied in detail, and the present situation of VLBI technology and its application in China, as well as the future development requirements, are also discussed in detail. In this paper, for the first time, two kinds of models are selected for spectral fitting using large sample multi-band observation data. The free absorption model is used as the main method, and the linear least square method and nonlinear LM method are used for curve fitting. The results of the two models are compared, and the factors affecting the error of fitting parameters and the applicability of the model are analyzed. Although no inversion of the spectrum of millisecond pulsars has been found in the results, it is found that the spectra of the pulsars may be reversed at low frequencies. E-VLBI technology is the new development of modern VLBI. It can get the observation result quickly by using high-speed communication network to transmit the observation data. This paper introduces the development course of e-VLBI. The application of VLBI technology in pulsar observation and spacecraft orbit determination is discussed in detail, and the development requirements of the equipment of new and old observation stations in China are also discussed.
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