[Abstract]:The estimation of stellar atmospheric physical parameters based on measured spectra is the primary task in exploring the nature of stars. As Guo Shoujing Telescope (LAMOST) enters the official phase of sky survey, it is acquiring massive stellar measured spectral data at an unprecedented speed, which brings new opportunities and challenges to galaxy research. Because LAMOST is a multi-object optical fiber spectral telescope, the spectral noise obtained is relatively large. The precision of wavelength calibration and flow calibration in the pre-processing of spectrum is not high, which leads to the small distortion of the spectrum, which greatly increases the difficulty of measuring the atmospheric physical parameters of stars. How to automatically measure the atmospheric physical parameters of stars measured by LAMOST spectrum is an important subject that needs to be studied urgently. The key is how to eliminate noise and improve the measurement accuracy and robustness of stellar atmospheric physical parameters. A regression model (SVM (lasso). For measuring spectral atmospheric parameters of LAMOST stars is proposed. The basic idea is: firstly, the spectral signal is filtered by Haar wavelet to suppress the adverse effect of the noise in the spectrum, and the spectral discriminant information is kept to the maximum extent. Then the lasso algorithm is used to select the features which have strong correlation with the atmospheric physical parameters of stars. Finally, the selected spectral features are input into the support vector machine regression model to estimate the atmospheric physical parameters of stars. The model has better tolerance to spectral distortion and noise, and improves the accuracy of measurement. In order to verify the feasibility of the above scheme, an experimental study has been carried out on 33,963 LAMOST guided star spectropools. The accuracy of the three stellar atmospheric physical parameters is log Teff:0.006 8 dextral log g: 0.1551 dextran, [Fe/H]: 0.104 dextra.
【作者单位】: 华南师范大学数学科学学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(61273248,61075033) 广东省自然科学基金项目(S2011010003348)资助
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