[Abstract]:The standard cosmic model based on cosmological observation and generalized relative field equation with cosmological constants is difficult to violate the basic laws of physics, which suggests that we need to carefully examine the physical basis of cosmic dynamics. For example, the number of radiative photons in the background blackbody after decoupling from the physical object no longer changes with the expansion of the universe, but the cosmological redshift effect causes the radiation temperature to fall inversely to the cosmic scale, and the total radiation energy of the background radiation decreases inversely with the cosmic scale. In violation of the first law of thermodynamics, where is the lost cosmic background radiation energy? For example, the density of dark energy corresponding to the universe constant does not change with time, and the matter in the expanding universe is constantly created, and the total energy tends to infinity with the expansion of the universe. In cosmology, it is necessary to restrict the basic physical properties of dark matter and dark energy, in which photons play an important role as zero-mass bosons. Based on the cosmological model of Einstein's field equation without abandoning the law of conservation of energy, The evolution picture is given, which is completely different from the standard model and thus can be verified by observations or falsified: the constant expansion of dark matter and dark energy is the normal state of the universe. Deceleration or accelerated expansion is only a transient process caused by the phase transition of the cosmic medium. Recent high-precision cosmological observations have challenged the standard model and are conducive to the expectation of an energy-conserving cosmic model. Ongoing and planned cosmological observations will ultimately determine two types of models and promote the development of basic physics.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院高能物理研究所粒子天体物理重点实验室;清华大学物理系清华大学天体物理中心;中国科学院大学物理科学学院;
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