[Abstract]:At present, through the analysis and study of a large number of astronomical observation data (IA supernova, WMAP), it is gradually discovered that the universe on which we depend is not slowing down and expanding as described in the thermal Big Bang cosmological model. Instead, it is unexpectedly accelerating expansion. Three physicists, including Permatt, also won the 2011 Nobel Prize in physics for supernova research. Then it is imperative to give a reasonable explanation for the accelerated expansion of the universe. So the cosmological model of the thermal Big Bang has been modified. There are two main correction methods, one is dark energy theory. That is to say, assuming that there is a new material composition in the universe, its pressure is negative and evenly distributed in large-scale structures, resulting in the gravitational effect being offset by the rejection it provides, thus accelerating the expansion of the universe. We name this substance dark energy. The second is the left side of the modified Einstein gravitational field equation, which is the geometric part of time and space, which we call the gravitational correction theory. Recently, when V.F.Cardone et al used the unified phenomenological model to explain the accelerated expansion of the universe, he proposed a phenomenological model, the so-called Hobbit model. After that, the model is further extended so that it can describe the four evolution stages of the universe, namely, the generalized Hobbit model, which is similar to the ACDM model in the long time after it is dominated by matter. In this paper, we discuss it in two aspects under the condition of interaction. First, as a dark energy model, the generalized Hobbit model has the influence of dark energy on the formation of the structure. Second, when the generalized Hobbit model is an autonomous system, the stability of the model itself is discussed. The results show that the model is consistent with the ACDM model and the observed facts in terms of structure formation, but in the discussion of stability, we find that it can not reflect our real universe very well. In this way, we can see that the generalized Hobbit model interacting with barotropic background fluid is not an ideal model.
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