发布时间:2021-09-08 17:56
先前对于来自伽马射线暴的高能光子的研究指出了宇宙中光速的传播规律:v(E)=c(1-E/ELV),其中ELV=3.6×1017GeV.本文通过研究先前对三个活动星系核(Markarian421、Markarian501和PKS2155-304)观测得到的光变曲线检验这一光速变化规律,说明了这三个活动星系核的光变曲线的一些特征可以作为由伽马射线暴得到的光速改变规律的支持证据.由伽马暴得到的光速改变规律可以很好地解释Markarian 501不同能段光变曲线到达时间的差异,同时Markarian 421和PKS 2155-304也表现出了一些由光速变化引起的性质.本文还考虑了活动星系核源处效应可能带来的影响,并指出随着观测数据的增加,源处效应的影响可以通过统计学的方法与光速变化带来的影响分离开来,从而得到更加可靠的结论.近年开始运行的LHAASO项目可以作为未来数据的重要来源和关注焦点.
【文章来源】:Science Bulletin. 2020,65(04)EISCICSCD
【文章页数】:5 页
[1]A future project at tibet:the large high altitude air shower observatory(LHAASO)[J]. 曹臻. 中国物理C. 2010(02)
[2]Timescale Analysis of Spectral Lags[J]. Ti-Pei Li, Jin-Lu Qu, Hua Feng, Li-Ming Song, Guo-Qiang Ding and Li Chen1 Department of Physics & Center for Astrophysics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084;2 Particle Astrophysics Lab., Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences3 Department of Engineering Physics & Center for Astrophysics, Tsinghua University4 Department of Astronomy, Beijing Normal University. Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2004(06)
【文章来源】:Science Bulletin. 2020,65(04)EISCICSCD
【文章页数】:5 页
[1]A future project at tibet:the large high altitude air shower observatory(LHAASO)[J]. 曹臻. 中国物理C. 2010(02)
[2]Timescale Analysis of Spectral Lags[J]. Ti-Pei Li, Jin-Lu Qu, Hua Feng, Li-Ming Song, Guo-Qiang Ding and Li Chen1 Department of Physics & Center for Astrophysics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084;2 Particle Astrophysics Lab., Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences3 Department of Engineering Physics & Center for Astrophysics, Tsinghua University4 Department of Astronomy, Beijing Normal University. Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2004(06)