本文选题:GSM 切入点:TD-SCDMA 出处:《湘潭大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:移动通信给人们的生活、工作和学习带来了极大的便利,成为了人们在信息社会中不可或缺的重要工具。移动通信企业为了确保小区中的客户都能接收到稳定的无线信号导致移动通信基站数量不断增加。空间中电磁辐射强度不断增大造成人们对电磁辐射的恐惧不断升级,电磁辐射纠纷事件时有发生。因此,定性和定量估计电磁辐射污染强度,具有很强的实际应用价值。 目前,常用的通信基站电磁辐射研究方法主要是针对最大发射功率或电磁波的传播衰减,并没有考虑到移动通信信号特性,这种电磁辐射预测方法不能真实反映通信基站电磁辐射水平随语音话务的变化情况。本文以移动通信电磁辐射环境评价为背景,从移动通信基站天线的发射功率随话务量和时隙配置变化等情况考虑,提出了GSM和TD-SCDMA通信基站电磁辐射预测方法,再根据对GSM和TD-SCDMA基站实地测量,证明了预测方法的正确性。 本文主要创新工作如下: (1)在GSM通信基站电磁辐射研究方面,本文提出了一种基于话务量的电磁辐射预测方法。首先通过对GSM脉冲信号发射特性,推导出GSM通信基站发射信号的功率谱密度,并结合话务泊松模型,将获取的话务量数据通过软件进行拟合,得到发射信号的脉冲流平均密度,最后将不同时刻GSM发射脉冲流平均密度值代入实时发射功率表达式,获得以小时为单位的平均电磁辐射功率值。通过预测值与实测值的比较证明,该GSM通信基站电磁辐射预测方法的预测结果较理想,能够与GSM基站实际电磁辐射测量值相一致。 (2)在TD-SCDMA通信基站电磁辐射研究方面,本文提出了一种基于时隙配置的电磁辐射预测方法。首先通过对TD-SCDMA信道特性的研究,结合智能天线增益计算出三种信道配置(3:3,2:4,1:5)情况下的TD-SCDMA通信基站发射功率值。按照实际的语音业务和数据业务占用情况,得出各信道配置占用比率,再结合弗林斯公式,,得出TD-SCDMA通信基站电磁辐射强度。该理论预测值能够与TD-SCDMA基站的实际电磁辐射值基本一致。
[Abstract]:Mobile communication brings great convenience to people's life, work and study. In order to ensure that customers in the cell can receive stable wireless signals, the number of mobile communication base stations is increasing. The increasing intensity of the radiation has led to an escalating fear of electromagnetic radiation. Therefore, the qualitative and quantitative estimation of electromagnetic radiation pollution is of great practical value. At present, the research methods of electromagnetic radiation in communication base station are mainly aimed at the maximum transmitting power or the propagation attenuation of electromagnetic wave, and do not take the characteristics of mobile communication signal into account. This kind of electromagnetic radiation prediction method can not truly reflect the change of electromagnetic radiation level of communication base station with voice traffic. This paper takes the environment evaluation of electromagnetic radiation of mobile communication as the background. Considering that the transmit power of the base station antenna of mobile communication varies with traffic and time slot configuration, a method of electromagnetic radiation prediction for GSM and TD-SCDMA communication base stations is proposed. Based on the field measurements of GSM and TD-SCDMA base stations, the correctness of the prediction method is proved. The main innovation work of this paper is as follows:. 1) in the research of electromagnetic radiation of GSM communication base station, a method of electromagnetic radiation prediction based on traffic is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the power spectral density of transmission signal of GSM communication base station is derived by transmitting characteristic of GSM pulse signal. Combined with the traffic Poisson model, the obtained traffic data is fitted by software to get the average density of the pulse flow of the transmitted signal. Finally, the average density of the GSM transmission pulse stream at different times is substituted into the expression of the real time transmission power. The average electromagnetic radiation power in hours is obtained. The comparison between the predicted value and the measured value proves that the predicted results of the electromagnetic radiation prediction method of the GSM communication base station are ideal and can be consistent with the actual electromagnetic radiation measurement value of the GSM base station. In the aspect of electromagnetic radiation research of TD-SCDMA communication base station, this paper presents a method of electromagnetic radiation prediction based on time slot configuration. Firstly, the characteristics of TD-SCDMA channel are studied. Combining with the gain of smart antenna, the transmitting power of TD-SCDMA base station in the case of 3: 3: 2: 41: 5) is calculated. According to the actual situation of voice and data service, the ratio of channel configuration occupancy is obtained, and then the Frings formula is used. The electromagnetic radiation intensity of the TD-SCDMA communication base station is obtained, and the theoretical prediction value is basically consistent with the actual electromagnetic radiation value of the TD-SCDMA base station.
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