本文选题:盲信号分离 + fast-ICA算法 ; 参考:《西安电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In the case of unknown transmission channel characteristics and prior knowledge of source signal distribution, the process of signal recognition or signal recovery by observation is called blind signal separation. Blind signal separation technology has been applied in many fields, such as multiuser communication, biomedical engineering, array and communication signal processing, image processing and so on. In this paper, blind signal separation algorithm is studied, especially the fast-ICA algorithm based on natural gradient. The work is summarized as follows: 1. The basic theory and method of blind signal separation are discussed systematically. In this paper, a blind signal separation model is presented, two uncertainties of the blind separation model and the assumption conditions for blind separation are analyzed. Then, the objective function theory is introduced, and several classical objective functions and algorithms in blind separation are summarized. According to the performance parity index of the algorithm, several classical algorithms are simulated. 2. 2. In this paper, the fast-ICA algorithm obtained from the maximization of non-Gao Si is introduced in detail. The algorithm is a two-step algorithm. The first step is to whiten the observed data. The whitening process eliminates the correlation between the data. In the second step, only an orthogonal matrix is needed to achieve blind signal separation. However, whitening produces errors and accumulates them into the process of finding orthogonal matrices, which affects the convergence speed and performance of the algorithm. By introducing the weighted orthogonal constraints of the separation matrix, the derivation process of the unwhitened fast-ICA algorithm proposed by Hyvarinen empirically is given. In general nonlinear optimization framework, stochastic gradient algorithm is the most popular learning method. However, in many cases, parameter space is not Euclidean space but Riemannian metric space, such as perceptual space in neural science, matrix space in blind signal separation, linear dynamic system space in blind deconvolution and so on. In blind separation model, the mixed matrix is unknown, such parameter space is matrix space. Therefore, the parameter space of blind separation model has Riemannian metric structure. Amari has proved that natural gradient is the fastest direction of decreasing loss function in Riemannian space. A new fast-ICA algorithm based on natural gradient is obtained by using weighted orthogonal constraints and natural gradient. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can separate and reconstruct the source signal very well. Compared with the existing fast-ICA algorithm, the convergence speed is faster and the stability performance is better.
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