本文选题:智能电网 + 无线传感网 ; 参考:《华北电力大学(北京)》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, wireless sensor network (WSN) technology is a research hotspot in the field of information, and its application prospect is very broad. With the popularity of various advanced technologies in the power grid, intelligence has become an inevitable trend of the development of the grid, wireless sensor network technology also plays an increasingly important role in the smart grid. The construction of smart grid is based on the current situation of modern power system networking and the rapid development of information technology. In order to build a strong smart grid development plan in response to the State Grid, establish the security system and information interaction system for the overall monitoring of the power grid at an early date, and study how to solve the problems of energy efficiency, reliability and large-scale networking of wireless sensor network communications, Optimization of communication network has become an important task for researchers. In this paper, according to the characteristics of smart grid wireless communication, from the point of view of routing, the routing algorithm of wireless sensor network is improved to optimize network energy consumption to meet the communication needs of building a strong smart grid. Aiming at the data acquisition and monitoring service of power system, this paper first analyzes the working principle of LEACH algorithm and its shortcomings, and proposes an improved routing algorithm based on LEACH. By adding the residual energy of the node when the cluster head is selected, the node is not elected over the cluster head cycle and the node degree continuously, so that the nodes with high energy and less elected cluster heads are more easily selected, and the network life cycle is prolonged. Improve the overall performance of the network. In order to solve the problem that the large-scale distribution of nodes in power system sensor network leads to the fast energy attenuation of some nodes close to the base station and the uneven distribution of cluster heads, a grid-like clustering routing algorithm is proposed. The algorithm firstly divides the node distribution area into several square grids, then selects cluster heads according to the internal communication of the grid, thus balancing the energy of the nodes in the whole network. Finally, the multi-hop communication mode is used to transmit data to the base station in the inter-cluster routing. According to the relative position of cluster head node and base station, the virtual optimal relay node is constructed. The coordinate of cluster head around and the residual energy are taken as the selection criteria of the next hop relay node, and the energy cost is further reduced. The simulation results show that the algorithm can significantly prolong the lifetime of the network, balance the energy consumption of nodes, and support a variety of complex wireless sensor network application environments.
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