本文选题:通信接口 + ZigBee ; 参考:《成都信息工程学院》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The title of this paper is from "the Development and Application of the key Technology of Integrated Integrated Meteorological observation on the ground (item No.: GYHY201306070)", "the Development of hardware platform of Integrated Meteorological observation system (namely Communication Control system)". With the rapid development of meteorological observation technology and ground observation automation, various new observation equipments, such as cloud, visibility, weather phenomena, etc., have been gradually deployed to meteorological observation stations. At the same time, some problems are caused, such as more communication lines increase the maintenance workload, reduce the security of the system, and make the equipment redundant. In this paper, the integrated terrestrial meteorological observation platform supported by ZigBee wireless transmission, serial port to fiber, Ethernet to optical fiber communication interface is established, which can not only solve the problem of multiple communication lines, but also avoid the loss caused by the large-scale transformation of the instrument. Each task in the hardware communication interface design is relatively independent, so this paper adopts the modular design idea. Including the following aspects: 1) Design and complete ZigBee wireless communication interface module based on CC2530.) Design and complete serial port fiber converter. 3) Design and complete a self-adapting 10M/100M without network management. Optical fiber transceiver for Ethernet to fiber. In this paper, the ZigBee wireless transmission interface module, the serial fiber converter, is designed and completed. As the communication interface, the fiber transceiver can transmit data by wireless or optical fiber. ZigBee wireless transmission is suitable for the acquisition and wireless transmission of basic meteorological elements, and the fiber accomplishes the long-distance transmission of a large amount of data. It can effectively solve the problem of integrated communication control system between existing observation equipment and meteorological observation, and the connection between communication control system and optical fiber. Thus, the problems caused by the progress of meteorological detection technology and the rapid development of ground observation automation are further solved.
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