本文选题:阅读 + 社会化阅读 ; 参考:《浙江工业大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来,移动应用产品在互联网高速发展的环境下不断地渗透着我们的日常生活。手机阅读作为近半年来移动互联网用户使用较多的应用,应用的功能不断的增加,类型也更加多样化。各大互联网公司以及通信运营商不断改进电子阅读产品的功能,推出了如多看阅读、百阅、和阅读等典型的电子书社会化阅读产品。社会化阅读是数字阅读发展的必然趋势。更具互动性与个性化的社会化阅读体验成为了阅读用户的迫切需求。 为提出一种更加符合用户的社会化阅读模式,本文结合相关理论、应用以及用户的研究,主要涵盖了社会化移动阅读的现状、社会化移动阅读的用户需求、社会化移动阅读的模式探索以及相关的方案实现与设计四个方面,系统的阐述了社会化移动阅读的阅读体验与交互设计。文章以社会化移动阅读用户的体验目标为导向,结合社会化阅读相关的互动体验模式,社会化阅读的信息传播形态,社交模式分析等提出“以推荐内容为依据,倡导虚拟与现实相结合”的社会化移动阅读模式。为实现这种创新模式,构建了模式下的人物角色,并为其编写了相关的使用情境,从中提取出社会化移动阅读创新模式的设计需求要点。以智能手机为载体,实现了社会化移动创新模式的交互设计并通过可用性评价法完成了设计优化。
[Abstract]:In recent years, mobile applications continue to permeate our daily life under the rapid development of the Internet. Mobile phone reading as a mobile Internet users use more applications in the past six months, the application functions continue to increase, the types of more diversified. Major Internet companies and telecommunications operators are constantly improving the functionality of electronic reading products, offering typical e-book social reading products such as reading more, reading hundreds, and reading. Socialized reading is an inevitable trend in the development of digital reading. More interactive and personalized social reading experience has become the urgent need of reading users. In order to put forward a more user-friendly model of social reading, this paper mainly covers the current situation of social mobile reading, the needs of users of social mobile reading, combined with relevant theories, applications and user research. This paper systematically expounds the reading experience and interactive design of social mobile reading from four aspects: the exploration of the mode of social mobile reading and the implementation and design of related schemes. Based on the experience goal of social mobile reading users, the article puts forward that "based on the recommended content," the article combines the interactive experience model of social reading, the information dissemination pattern of social reading, and the analysis of social model, etc. Promote the combination of virtual and realistic "social mobile reading model." In order to realize this innovative model, the personas under the mode are constructed, and the relevant usage situations are written for them, from which the key points of the design requirements of the innovative mode of social mobile reading are extracted. The interactive design of social mobile innovation mode is realized with smart phone as the carrier, and the design optimization is accomplished by usability evaluation method.
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