[Abstract]:In the high power microwave antenna system, the multimode feed with a smooth radius of the inner wall can meet the high power capacity and good radiation characteristics, so it is widely used. Based on the theory of pattern matching, a numerical analysis program for fast analysis and calculation in mode transformation is developed. The Matlab GUI tool is used to package the numerical analysis software, and a visualization platform for calculating and analyzing the over mode waveguide mode converter is developed. In this paper, the numerical calculation and analysis of the X band horn are carried out by using this visual calculation analysis software platform, and the results of the software platform calculation and the simulation results of the HFSS are also made. The experimental results are compared. The results show that the three have good consistency, and the accuracy of the software platform is proved directly. Secondly, on the premise of fully proving the practicability of the rapid analysis software platform, a software platform which can realize adaptive optimization is developed on the basis of genetic algorithm. Finally, it is adaptive optimization. First, it is applied to the Gauss horn of the S band, and the results of the test are compared with the results of the software computing platform and the simulation results of the HFSS software. The comparison results fully prove the effectiveness of the fast analysis and calculation software platform. Secondly, the software computing platform is applied to the high power of the EHF band. On the TE11 - HE11 mode converter. In order to master the specific performance of the designed mode converter, a TE11 - HE11 mode converter is manufactured according to the simulation model. The radiation pattern of the HE11 mode is tested in detail with the microwave darkroom. The purity of the HE11 mode is understood by the direction diagram. The software platform will be used. In comparison with the results of calculation and test, the results of the above three experiments are both direct and sufficient to prove the effectiveness of the computational analysis software and the optimized subtyping software designed in this paper. The later work provides great convenience, making it easier for people to analyze high-power microwave feed.
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