[Abstract]:As a new theory of information acquisition and processing, compressed sensing has become a hot research direction in the field of signal processing. The theory of compressed sensing indicates that, under the two conditions of satisfying "signal compressibility" and "non correlation of observation system and representation system", it is possible to recover signals from a small amount of sampled data from the signal, Because most of the radio signals are compressible, that is, the coding coefficients in a certain orthogonal / overcomplete dictionary are sparse, so compressed sensing has a wide application prospect in many applications such as wireless communication and imaging. For example, in synthetic aperture radar imaging, thunder The received echo can be regarded as the superposition of multiple strong scattering center echoes. This sparsity prior makes the sparse imaging based on compressed sensing theory possible. At present, although compression perception has shown a preliminary success in radar imaging, there are still several problems: first, the existing compression sensing radar imaging method is present. Based on the theory of compressed sensing, only using the sparsity of the target to carry out the super-resolution imaging with less azimuth to the pulse. However, with the reduction of the number of azimuth pulses, the imaging quality drops rapidly. Second, since the sampling of the distance dimension is easy to reduce the target energy, most of the existing compressed sensing radar imaging are in the azimuth. However, with the urgent need of broadband / ultra wideband microwave imaging in the fields of security detection and non destructive control, the range azimuth combination superresolution technology has become a difficult problem to be solved. In this paper, this paper studies the sparse sampling and imaging method based on the compression sensitivity. The specific work is as follows (1) a range azimuth joint sparse radar imaging method based on compressed sensing is designed. Firstly, the sparsity of the SAR echo signal is analyzed, the construction of the sparse base is studied, and the joint undersampling on two dimensions of fast and slow time is realized. The method is applied to the super-resolution imaging of SAR and ISAR respectively. The results show that the compression sensing imaging method can obtain lower sidelobe and higher imaging quality under the low pulse number compared with the traditional microwave imaging method. (2) a sparse imaging method based on significant prior and weighted L1 optimization is designed. Besides the sparsity prior of the target, the significance and geometric structure of the target can be obtained. As a priori information, the image quality under less sampling is improved. Firstly, the visual significant image is extracted from the result of low resolution imaging, and the significant target area is separated from the middle area. Secondly, the target and the background are different weights in the reconstruction process to suppress the clutter in the background and enhance the target of the strong scattering point in the target area. This method is applied to the super-resolution imaging of Yak-42 data of 256 azimuth pulse numbers. The experimental results show that the weighted L1 optimization based on significant prior can treat the target and the background discriminately, and the target scattering points are enhanced and the background clutter can be suppressed simultaneously. (3) a cooperative sparse imaging based on the graph Laplacian regularization is designed. Methods. In addition to the sparse prior and target significance of the target, the correlation of the target proximity unit can further improve the imaging quality. On the basis of the weighted L1 optimization imaging based on the saliency graph, the similarity of the adjacent distance units is excavated, and the Laplacian regular term is formed, which increases the structure of the original sparse optimization problem. In order to solve this problem, an alternating optimization algorithm based on the augmented Lagrange multiplier method is designed. This method is applied to the Yak-42 super-resolution imaging of 256 azimuth pulse numbers of point signals. The experimental results show that the figure Laplacian canonical term effectively reduces the isolated scattering points in the background clutter and the strong scattering on the target. Due to the proximity unit, the influence of structural constraints is very small. (4) a simulated signal sparse sampling analog information converter (Analog-to-Information Converter, AIC) is designed. The analog signal sampling based on compressed sensing is studied, and a hardware simulation platform based on MWC structure is designed for wireless communication. The multi wideband signal in the electrical communication system is analyzed. The structure and principle of the MWC system are analyzed. The effect and stability of the reconfiguration are verified by experiments. It lays the foundation for the hardware realization of the sparse radar imaging in the sparse sampling.
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