[Abstract]:Intra-satellite communication bus is an important channel for data communication and instruction transmission in each load unit of satellite. The performance of the bus directly affects the efficiency of the task execution of the satellite payload unit. Although the commonly used CANN 1553B bus has a mature application scenario, its event triggered transmission characteristics and low data transmission rate are no longer sufficient to meet the performance requirements of modern satellite bus. There is an urgent need to find a bus with faster speed and more stable transmission characteristics. This project is based on the research of the new generation of satellite Flex Ray bus in the China Aerospace xx Research Institute. The FlexRay bus technology in the high-end automobile industry is transplanted to the micro satellite of the aerospace industry in combination with the actual demand of satellite payload. The main research work of this paper is: 1. The technology of Flex Ray bus is researched and investigated, and the application scenario of the bus technology in satellite system is set up according to the requirement of the actual communication bus. Each module of communication control unit, bus driver and protocol transceiver in Flex Ray protocol is designed and developed, and the peripheral hardware circuit of Flex Ray communication module is designed and developed in detail. The performance of Flex Ray bus data transmission is studied through a variety of topology and transmission mechanisms, including node to node communication, communication between cluster networks and hybrid topology communication mechanism design. The bus transmission performance of different topologies is tested for a long time and reliability test. 3. After having the function of FlexRay bus communication, the Flex Ray slave node of several analog satellite sensor units is designed, which verifies that the system can run the microsatellite attitude control data transmission algorithm normally.
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