[Abstract]:Resonator Fiber Optic Gyro (R-FOG) has become a research hotspot for its good development prospects. Its basic principle is to measure the angular velocity of rotation by detecting the frequency difference caused by rotation in the resonator. In R-FOG, narrow-band light source is usually used to obtain good resonance performance, while narrow-band light is used. The high coherence of the source greatly enhances the optical noise in the gyroscope, which seriously affects the performance of the R-FOG. Researchers consider a variety of measures to suppress the related optical noise, but the effect is not very satisfactory. Hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber (HC-PBF) is a new kind of micro-structure fiber. HC-PBF is considered to be used in R-FOG to construct HC-PBF-ROG because it can transmit light in the air core and the air medium has better optical properties than the traditional solid core (Si/SiO2). Thus the related noise can be reduced. Although HC-PBF-ROG has potential advantages in error suppression, there are still some problems: 1. In HC-PBF, the size of optical waveguide has a direct impact on the transmission characteristics. How to optimize the transmission characteristics of the incident light of a particular band in the design of R-FOG optical fiber remains to be studied. 2. The loss of hollow-core optical fiber is larger than that of traditional single-mode optical fiber, which affects the application of hollow-core optical fiber. The loss is mainly caused by the surface mode mechanism. 3. No special HC-PBF research has been carried out for R-FOG. Considering the error factor of R-FOG, the main characteristics of special HC-PBF should include lower Kerr nonlinearity and Rayleigh scattering, as well as good polarization-maintaining or single polarization characteristics. 4. HC-PBF resonator is produced because of cross-talk between two intrinsic polarization states. 5. Discrete backscatter in fiber optic gyroscope system. Aiming at the problems existing in HC-PBF-ROG, a new type of HC-PBF is designed in this paper based on the structure design of HC-PBF. The polarization noise in single polarized HC-PBF resonator and the discrete backscatter in HC-PBF-ROG are studied. The main research contents are as follows: 1. The transmission cut-off characteristics of HC-PBF are studied. The photonic band gap characteristics of HC-PBF are analyzed by plane wave expansion method, and the numerical aperture of hollow fiber is deduced. It is found that there are two extreme values of numerical aperture in HC-PBF due to the limitation of photonic band gap. The duty cycle is found to be an important factor affecting the central wavelength ratio and the wavelength ratio width. Using the transmission cut-off region of HC-PBF, the basic structure of HC-PBF with the lowest limiting loss for 1550nm light source is designed. 2. The surface mode loss of HC-PBF is studied. The full vector finite element method is used to calculate the number of HC-PBF. The strength distribution of the surface mode near the core is obtained. The influence of the cutting radius of the HC-PBF core on the loss of the surface mode is studied. The results show that the introduction of 19-element core holes in the fusion cutting mode can effectively suppress the loss of the surface mode and obtain the optimal core transmission power. 3. The single-mode single-polarization HC-PBF is designed. Based on the idea of resonant coupling, a novel double elliptical auxiliary hole HC-PBF for R-FOG is designed, and the transmission characteristics of each propagation mode are analyzed. The results show that the new fiber has good single-mode and single-polarization characteristics near 1550 nm band. The Kerr nonlinearity and Rayleigh scattering characteristics in-PBF are analyzed. The results show that the new fiber has very low Kerr nonlinearity and Rayleigh scattering loss coefficient compared with the traditional single-mode fiber. 4. The Kerr effect and the Shupe effect in HC-PBF-ROG are comprehensively analyzed, including the generation mechanism and the main suppression measures. The analysis results show that the HC-PBF-ROG constructed by hollow fiber can effectively reduce the influence of Kerr effect on the performance of gyroscope; the error of Shupe effect should be considered in high precision R-FOG, and the hollow fiber with lower Shupe coefficient should be used in HC-PBF-ROG to match the shorter ring resonator with lower fiber length and reasonable winding. The polarization error in a single polarized HC-PBF resonator is studied. The transmission matrix of a single polarized HC-PBF resonator is established. Based on the transfer matrix, the polarization noise model of a single polarized HC-PBF resonator is established by using Jones matrix method, and the single polarized HC-PBF resonator is theoretically resonated. The polarization noise of the cavity is analyzed, and the results show that the single polarization state HC-PBF resonator can effectively suppress the polarization fluctuation error. 6. Discrete backscattering noise in HC-PBF-ROG is studied. Rayleigh backscattering and discrete backscattering in HC-PBF-ROG are analyzed. The discrete backscattering is classified and the complete discrete backscattering is established. A method of adding phase modulation to the suspension end of detector coupler is proposed. The influence of modulation waveform on discrete backscatter is analyzed. By comparison and analysis, the discrete backscatter noise can be effectively suppressed theoretically by setting reasonable modulation coefficient.
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