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发布时间:2018-08-12 10:36
【摘要】:物联网并非单一的技术逻辑的产物,我们可以将它理解为人与物的深度对话机制和双向的信息翻译机制,有效解决了自然主体之间信息传播的虚拟间性难题。物联化进程在当代已经成为人类更为直接的历史实践主题和更加自觉的社会发展选择,通过信息论的视角来诠释物联网的内在机理,通过媒介观的变革来解读物联网的演进规律,通过形而上的思考来剖析物联网的认知逻辑,将自然界与人类社会在物联网视域中的现实交往关系奠基于更深刻的理论基点之上,是科学的人文性和技术的社会性必然要面临的重要命题,具有很好的社会历史价值和现实意义。 物联网在信息传播中的优势释放了其媒体价值,物联网对信息资源的聚合力和信息传输的渗透力奠定了其传播影响力的雄厚基础,自然也催生了传播形态的深刻变革。我们基于物联网环境下“人-机-物”三类主体所对应的{用户空间域,信息空间域,物理空间域}的三元体系架构,以及贯穿其间的{控制流,数据流,感知流}的动态交互模式,针对三元动态空间域的信息传播过程,提出了物联世界中的交往形态问题,重点解决如何在同时具备物理环境实体异构、信息空间动态交互、用户需求复杂多变的物联网环境中通过多主体关系之间的相互作用来实现智慧物联网传播。 科学是一种解释性的事业,更是一种创造性的事业。“传播”是主体对其环境所作的意义理解与阐释的过程,更是意义创生与发展的过程。对“传播”问题的研究离不开技术属性的基础,更离不开实践功能的开掘和认知域界的延展。本文通过对泛主体、泛媒介、泛层级等传播特性的探索,最终论证得出未来物联世界交往形态的“泛传播”理论模型。这一研究结论是按照问题的机理建模、机制推演与认知重构的顺序逐层展开,通过对传播动因、传播规律与传播趋向三个子问题的探讨和相应六个数理模型的建立与求解而最终获得,整个研究过程取得了如下一系列创新成果: 1.提出了物联网空间域的逻辑框架与机理模型,通过对多主体交互机理的剖析解决了“为什么能够传播”,即传播动因的问题。 (1)物联网空间域的生成体系:基于布尔迪厄的“场域”构型,建构了物联网空间域的三维体系,即表征“人”的维度的{用户空间域}、表征“机”的维度的{信息空间域}、表征“物”的维度的{物理空间域},由此形成三元空间域上三重反馈循环的系统形态,并深入分析了三维主体的事理逻辑关系;基于物理空间域的“信息物品维度”、信息空间域的“自主网络维度”、用户空间域的“智能应用维度”,进行了三维主体的交互功能建构,呈现了物理与信息域的交互成果“物品联网”、信息与用户域的交互成果“智能网络”、用户与物理域的交互成果“智慧物体”,三者的交叠部分即是公共物联网核心,从而实现了三维空间进程的集成与融合。 (2)物联网空间域的运行架构:依据“交互”的基本定义及其适用场景,运用Multi-Agent仿真模拟方法建立了{人,机,物}的多主体交互框架,设计了{交互通道}。{交互协议}。{交互界面}。{任务语素}的交互空间架构,并基于Multi-Agent仿真形式描述了用户模型和物体模型,从而实现了三维主体的交互空间建构;依据唐纳德·诺曼的行为交互模型,分析了从物品数据采集到物品服务提供的基本信息流程,建立了由物理实体类、资源实体类、服务实体类和用户实体类组成的多主体交互行为的抽象信息模型,从而实现了三维主体的交互行为建构。 (3)物联网空间域的机理模型:依据“感知”的定义描绘了{物理空间域}的感知曲线模型,并基于全信息假设及其“状态”表征,构建了“状态-感知-信息”交互机理模型,论证了在主体感知影响下由事物状态驱动所产生的信息反应及其变化,揭示了{物理空间域}到{信息空间域}的多主体交互实现机理;依据“需求”的定义描绘了{用户空间域}的需求曲线模型,并基于全信息假设及其“认知”表征,构建了“信息-需求-认知”交互机理模型,论证了在主体需求影响下由事物信息驱动所产生的认知反应及其变化,揭示了{信息空间域}到{用户空间域}的多主体交互实现机理;最后以更加宏观的视角在信息交叠基点之上展开了交互体系的完整链条。 2.实现了物联网空间域的算法推演与性能解析,通过对微观动力学过程的推导解决了“怎样进行传播”,即传播规律的问题。 (1)物联网空间域的动力学解析(传播机制):按照微观动力学理论模式和逻辑思路,运用复杂适应系统的研究方法,在多主体信息交互微观场景模拟的基础上,针对物联网环境信息传播的感知性和适应性交互特征,采用社会物理学假设并借鉴振动传播概念,定义了物联网信息传播过程的微观动力学变量及其对传播行为的相应影响,建立了基于阻尼振动方程的信息传播微观动力学模型,结合Multi-Agent仿真技术和Netlogo仿真平台,模拟了微观个体传播行为与宏观整体运行机制之间的动力学关系,通过大量的数值仿真验证了模型的合理性,依据仿真实验的结果分析了信息传播系统的非线性演化规律并提出了相关的策略建议。 (2)物联网空间域的稳定性解析(演进机制):提出了物联网三元空间域的传播动力学模型,从而定量刻画了三元网络空间中传播行为的发生发展过程以及由此形成的系统演化状态。通过理论推导和算法解析,证明了物联网三元空间域中传播动力学过程的渐近稳定特性,并进一步得出传播决策概率在网络空间结构中的分布特征。参与传播的节点数比例是评价网络效能的重要指标,也是引导和控制传播进程的重要依据,其演进规律更为衡量和预判工程领域的应用可行性提供了理论参考。最后,基于物联传播的模拟仿真环境,对其传播动力学的渐近稳定特性进行算例分析,实验研究结果符合预期,验证了传播决策模型的合理性。 (3)物联网空间域的协调性解析(适配机制):在泛函分析基础上运用Lyapunov稳定性分析方法,从数理抽象层面提出了一种物联网三元空间域的多主体自适应控制算法,以此建立起三元主体间基于动力学体系的协同适配机制,为物联网实现多域融合共享的技术理念提供了根本前提,也为物联网系统在工程实践领域的应用可行性提供了理论依据。通过理论推导和算法解析,我们发现任一物联网系统中多主体适配稳态的存在必然性,由此形成三元主体在应用场景中构建状态适配机制的可行性判据,从而证明了通过构造Lyapunov向量函数并运用LaSalle不变原理的方法求解物联网三元空间域多主体适配机制的合理性。 (4)物联网空间域的优越性解析(决策机制):在物联网多主体传播行为的适配性机制与编译码原理进行定性分析与阐释的基础上,借鉴物联网系统的应用场景实例,运用三角模糊数多属性决策法对物联网多主体传播行为进行实证研究,依据模糊综合评判结果完成对物联传播体系架构的定量评价与性能检验。物联网在资源聚合和信息传输上的优势奠定了其跨域传播模式的现实基础,我们通过编译码理论诠释传播机制的定性分析与模糊数决策评价传播效能的定量分析相结合的研究思路,通过对实证系统求解各传播决策环节传播效能评价指标的权重排序,从而论证得出物联传播体系在传播效能上存在显著优势,满足预期结果。 3.揭示了物联网空间域的认知演进与样态建构,通过对未来泛传播形态的论证解决了“传播的结果是什么”,即传播趋向的问题。 (1)从传播者层面论述了“物联主体的交互与共生”,通过物理世界拟主体性功能的彰显及其主动表达的智慧机能与人类全程的智慧交流,实现了物联网视域下的主体建构,得出了“泛主体传播”构型; (2)从传播媒介层面论述了“主体间性的构造与重塑”,通过突破以我观物的单一视野来创造自我与他物交互生存的共同世界并赋予其构造性的意义,实现了物联网视域下的间性建构,得出了“泛媒介传播”构型; (3)从传播时间层面论述了“认知演进的现实与愿景”,通过人类物联化进程的历史实践主题与社会发展选择及其对于过往社会历史认知的全新思考,实现了物联网视域下的认知建构,得出了“泛时域传播”构型; (4)从传播空间层面论述了“自然秩序的扩张与和解”,通过人化自然的技术扩张与原生自然的交融和解以及对于更大范围内生存环境的积极影响,实现了物联网视域下的秩序建构,得出了“泛空域传播”构型; (5)从传播效果层面论述了“贴近生命的解释与叙事”,通过精准辨识与透彻感知激发了人类精微感受力的开放以及对于生活世界更精细的体察,实现了物联网视域下的叙事建构,得出了“泛感知传播”构型。 最后,在无限链接、无限聚合、无限交互的技术趋势之中,上述建构历程将最终汇聚形成未来物联世界交往形态的“泛传播”构型。根据各传播要素的建构特征归结形成的“泛传播”理论模型是对物联网传播理念的进一步深化与诠释,该模型集聚交互化、环态化、历时化、全景化、纵深化的传播特性,既是对第1部分“传播动因”的合理解释,又是对第2部分“传播规律”的完美呈现,有效解决了人类社会与自然世界交往实践活动中长期存在的信息传播的单向性、传受权力的差异性、时间行为的易逝性、物理空间的局限性、现实感知的表面性等问题,具有很好的理论价值与实践意义。
[Abstract]:The Internet of Things (IOT) is not the product of a single technological logic. We can understand it as a mechanism of deep dialogue between man and things and a two-way information translation mechanism, which effectively solves the problem of virtual inter-relationship in information dissemination between natural subjects. It will develop and choose to interpret the intrinsic mechanism of the Internet of Things from the perspective of information theory, to interpret the law of the evolution of the Internet of Things through the transformation of the media concept, to analyze the cognitive logic of the Internet of Things through metaphysical thinking, and to lay a deeper theoretical foundation for the real relationship between nature and human society in the vision of the Internet of Things. It is an important proposition that the humanities of science and the sociality of technology are bound to face. It has very good social and historical value and practical significance.
The advantages of the Internet of Things (IOT) in information dissemination have released its media value. The convergence of information resources and the penetration of information transmission have laid a solid foundation for the influence of the Internet of Things on information dissemination. Naturally, it has also brought about profound changes in the form of communication. The three-dimensional architecture of domain, information space domain and physical space domain, and the dynamic interaction mode of {control flow, data flow, perceptual flow} run through it. Aiming at the information dissemination process in the three-dimensional dynamic space domain, this paper puts forward the problem of communication morphology in the world of associations of things, focusing on how to simultaneously possess the physical environment of entity heterogeneity and information space. Dynamic interaction, user needs complex and changeable environment of the Internet of Things through the interaction between multi-agent relationships to achieve the spread of intelligent Internet of Things.
Science is a kind of explanatory undertaking, but also a kind of creative undertaking. "Communication" is the process of understanding and explaining the meaning of the subject's environment, and also the process of meaning creation and development. By exploring the communication characteristics of pan-subject, pan-media and pan-hierarchy, this paper finally demonstrates the theoretical model of "pan-communication" of the future world communication pattern of the Federation of Things. This research conclusion is based on the mechanism of the problem modeling, mechanism deduction and cognitive reconstruction of the order of layer by layer, through the communication motivation, propagation law and propagation trend of three. The discussion of sub-problems and the establishment and solution of the corresponding six mathematical models are finally obtained. The whole research process has achieved a series of innovative results as follows:
1. The logical framework and mechanism model of the spatial domain of the Internet of Things (IOT) are put forward, and the problem of "why can it be spread" is solved by analyzing the mechanism of multi-agent interaction.
(1) The generation system of the space domain of the Internet of Things: Based on Bourdieu's "field" configuration, a three-dimensional system of the space domain of the Internet of Things is constructed, that is, the {user space domain} representing the dimension of "human", the {information space domain} representing the dimension of "machine", and the {physical space domain} representing the dimension of "object", thus forming a triple antithesis in the three-dimensional space domain. The system form of the feedback loop is analyzed, and the logic relation of the three-dimensional subject is analyzed in depth. Based on the "information object dimension" of the physical space domain, the "autonomous network dimension" of the information space domain and the "intelligent application dimension" of the user space domain, the interactive function of the three-dimensional subject is constructed, and the interactive results of the physical and information domains are presented. "Internet of Things", "Intelligent Network" is the result of interaction between information and user domain, and "Intelligent Object" is the result of interaction between user and physical domain.
(2) The operation architecture of the spatial domain of the Internet of Things: According to the basic definition of "interaction" and its applicable scenarios, the multi-agent interaction framework of {human, computer, and object} is established by using the multi-agent simulation method, and the interaction space framework of {interaction channel}. {interaction protocol}. {interaction interface}. {task morpheme} is designed, and the simulation based on multi-agent is described. According to Donald Norman's behavior interaction model, the basic information flow from the collection of goods data to the provision of goods and services is analyzed, and a multi-agent composed of physical entity, resource entity, service entity and user entity is established. An abstract information model of interaction behavior is constructed to achieve the interactive behavior construction of three dimensional subjects.
(3) The mechanism model of the space domain of the Internet of Things: According to the definition of "perception", the perception curve model of {physical space domain} is described. Based on the full information hypothesis and its "state" representation, the interaction mechanism model of "state-perception-information" is constructed, and the information response caused by the state-driven of things under the influence of subject perception is demonstrated. The change reveals the mechanism of multi-agent interaction from {physical space domain} to {information space domain}; describes the demand curve model of {user space domain} according to the definition of `demand', and constructs the model of `information-requirement-cognition'interaction mechanism based on the full information hypothesis and its `cognition' representation, demonstrates the influence of the subject's demand. The cognitive responses and their changes driven by information reveal the mechanism of multi-agent interaction from {Information Space Domain} to {User Space Domain}. Finally, a complete chain of interaction system is developed on the basis of information overlap from a more macroscopic perspective.
2. The algorithm deduction and performance analysis in the space domain of the Internet of Things are realized. The problem of how to spread, i.e. the propagation law, is solved through the deduction of the micro-dynamic process.
(1) Dynamics analysis (propagation mechanism) in the spatial domain of the Internet of Things: According to the micro-dynamics theory model and logical thinking, using the research method of complex adaptive system, on the basis of multi-agent information interaction micro-scene simulation, aiming at the perceptual and adaptive interaction characteristics of the Internet of Things environmental information dissemination, the social physics hypothesis is adopted. Using the concept of vibration propagation for reference, the micro-dynamic variables of the information transmission process in the Internet of Things and their corresponding effects on the propagation behavior are defined. The micro-dynamic model of information transmission based on damping vibration equation is established. The micro-individual propagation behavior and MACRO-WHOLE movement are simulated by combining multi-agent simulation technology with Netlogo simulation platform. The dynamic relationship between the traveling mechanisms is validated by a large number of numerical simulations. Based on the results of simulation experiments, the nonlinear evolution law of the information transmission system is analyzed and some relevant suggestions are put forward.
(2) The stability analysis (evolution mechanism) of the space domain of the Internet of Things (IOT): A propagation dynamics model of the three-dimensional space domain of the Internet of Things (IOT) is proposed, which quantitatively describes the occurrence and development process of the propagation behavior in the three-dimensional network space and the evolving state of the system formed therefrom. The asymptotic stability of the propagation dynamics process and the distribution characteristics of the propagation decision probability in the network spatial structure are further obtained. The ratio of nodes participating in the propagation is an important index to evaluate the network efficiency and an important basis to guide and control the propagation process. Its evolution law is more feasible to measure and predict the application of the engineering field. Finally, the asymptotic stability of the propagation dynamics is analyzed by a numerical example based on the simulation environment of the interconnected propagation. The experimental results are in agreement with the expectations, and the rationality of the propagation decision model is verified.
(3) Coordination Analysis (Adaptation Mechanism) in the Space Domain of the Internet of Things: Based on functional analysis and Lyapunov stability analysis method, a multi-agent adaptive control algorithm in the three-dimensional space domain of the Internet of Things (IOT) is proposed from the mathematical abstraction level, which establishes the coordination and adaptation mechanism between the three-agent based on the dynamic system and is the reality of the IOT. The technical concept of multi-domain fusion and sharing provides the fundamental premise, and also provides the theoretical basis for the feasibility of the application of the Internet of Things system in the field of Engineering practice.Through theoretical derivation and algorithm analysis, we find that the existence of multi-agent adaptation steady-state in any Internet of Things system is inevitable, thus forming a ternary agent in the application scenario. The feasibility criterion of state adaptation mechanism proves the rationality of constructing Lyapunov vector function and applying LaSalle invariant principle to solve the multi-agent adaptation mechanism in ternary space domain of the Internet of Things.
(4) The superiority analysis (decision-making mechanism) of the spatial domain of the Internet of Things: On the basis of qualitative analysis and interpretation of the adaptation mechanism and encoding and decoding principle of the multi-agent propagation behavior of the Internet of Things, the triangular fuzzy number multi-attribute decision-making method is used to empirically study the multi-agent propagation behavior of the Internet of Things by referring to the application scenarios of the Internet of Things system. Based on the results of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, the quantitative evaluation and performance test of the architecture of the Internet of Things (IOT) are completed. The advantages of the Internet of Things (IOT) in resource aggregation and information transmission lay the realistic foundation for its cross-domain communication mode. We interpret the qualitative analysis of the communication mechanism by the theory of coding and decoding and evaluate the quantitative score of the communication efficiency by fuzzy number decision-making. Through the analysis of the combination of research ideas, through the empirical system to solve the weight ranking of communication effectiveness evaluation indicators of communication decision-making links, the paper demonstrates that there are significant advantages in communication effectiveness of the system, to meet the expected results.
3. It reveals the cognitive evolution and pattern construction of the spatial domain of the Internet of Things, and solves the problem of "what is the result of communication", that is, the trend of communication, by demonstrating the future pan-communication form.
(1) Discusses the interaction and symbiosis of the subject of the Internet of Things from the communicator's point of view, realizes the subject construction under the vision of the Internet of Things and obtains the configuration of "pan-subject communication" through the manifestation of the physical world's quasi-subjectivity function and the active expression of the wisdom function and the whole process of human wisdom exchange.
(2) Discusses the construction and remodeling of inter-subjectivity from the media level. By breaking through the single vision of self-view to create a common world in which self interacts with other things and endows it with constructive significance, the inter-subjectivity construction under the vision of the Internet of Things is realized, and the configuration of "pan-media communication" is obtained.
(3) Discussing the reality and vision of cognitive evolution from the perspective of communication time, realizing the cognitive construction under the vision of the Internet of Things through the historical practice theme of the process of the integration of things, the choice of social development and the new thinking of the past social and historical cognition, and getting the configuration of "pan-temporal communication";
(4) Discussing the expansion and reconciliation of natural order from the perspective of communication space, through the blending and reconciliation of humanized nature and original nature, as well as the positive impact on the wider living environment, the order construction under the vision of the Internet of Things is realized, and the configuration of pan-space communication is obtained.
(5) Discusses the "interpretation and narration close to life" from the perspective of communication effect. Through precise identification and thorough perception, it stimulates the opening of human subtle perception and finer perception of the living world, realizes the narrative construction under the vision of the Internet of Things, and obtains the "pan-perception communication" configuration.
Finally, in the technological trend of infinite links, infinite aggregation and infinite interaction, the above-mentioned construction process will eventually converge to form the "pan-communication" configuration of the future IOT world communication form. This model is a reasonable explanation of the "motive of communication" in Part 1 and a perfect presentation of the "law of communication" in Part 2. It effectively solves the long-standing unidirectionality of information dissemination in human society and the natural world. The difference of force, the perishability of time behavior and the limitation of physical space.


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3 ;解读物联网发展历程[A];四川省通信学会2009年学术年会论文集[C];2009年

4 刘东凯;;“3G物联网”能否改变世界 用户在哪里?[A];四川省通信学会2009年学术年会论文集[C];2009年

5 徐东英;;物联网离我们有多远?[A];四川省通信学会2009年学术年会论文集[C];2009年

6 李研;吴淼;吕廷杰;赵蔚;;国外物联网发展情况及对中国物联网发展的启示[A];两化融合与物联网发展学术研讨会论文集[C];2010年

7 刘学敏;;京津冀战略性新兴产业——物联网的发展问题研究[A];2010年度京津冀区域协作论坛论文集[C];2010年

8 宋蕊;曾剑秋;;物联网应用的发展状况及建设“感知中国”的策略探讨[A];两化融合与物联网发展学术研讨会论文集[C];2010年

9 胡晓川;陈金鹰;杨超;;物联网——新新“物”语[A];四川省通信学会2010年学术年会论文集[C];2010年

10 肖克辉;肖德琴;周权;;农业物联网实验室建设[A];Proceedings of 2011 National Teaching Seminar on Cryptography and Information Security(NTS-CIS 2011) Vol.1[C];2011年

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10 宋鑫;物联网技术下的人本主义诉求[D];南昌大学;2012年




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