[Abstract]:In recent years, with the popularity of smart phones, tablets and other multimedia mobile devices, the scale of the network is expanding, and the mobile data services are growing exponentially. In order to solve this problem, a new network architecture, Heterogeneous Network (HetNet), has gradually become a research hotspot. The network is composed of macro base station cells and small cells deployed within the coverage of macro base station cells. Compared with the traditional flat network, its topology structure is more hierarchical. These small cells can enhance network capacity and realize network data shunting to solve blind areas, hot spots and weak coverage problems, so that operators can provide users with better wireless broadband voice and data industry at a lower cost. Business.
In this paper, the interference management, user connection and self-organizing technologies in HetNet are studied, and the corresponding innovative solutions are proposed. The performance of the proposed algorithm is proved by theoretical analysis and computer simulation.
1) an interference management scheme based on dynamic resource allocation is proposed in hybrid hierarchical heterogeneous networks.
In order to reduce the pressure of Operations and Management Entity (OM), the problem is divided into two parts: interference coarse tuning based on subcarrier allocation and interference fine tuning based on power control.
Secondly, OM uses discrete stochastic approximation algorithm to search the optimal set of subcarriers for all users to minimize the total network interference. For fine-tuning interference, low-power base stations use Carlyle bargaining algorithm to adjust user power and ultimately optimize local revenue. This algorithm converts vector optimization into line optimization. Property optimization has low algorithm complexity.
Finally, the performance of the proposed jamming management scheme is verified by comparing the discrete stochastic approximation algorithm and Carlyle bargaining algorithm with the existing algorithms.
2) a user connection scheme for joint resource allocation in distributed hierarchical heterogeneous networks is proposed.
Firstly, the characteristics of distributed hierarchical heterogeneous networks are analyzed, and the available resources of low power base stations are described. The optimization objective is derived by the minimum latent delay fairness function, which guarantees fairness between users and optimizes the network transmission rate.
Secondly, a user connection model for joint resource allocation is established. The constraints of the model are energy saving and interference reduction.
Thirdly, a user connection and resource allocation scheme based on three-stage search algorithm is proposed. To achieve Pareto optimization, the algorithm consists of three stages: first, searching solutions satisfying the supporting non-dominant poles; second, searching solutions satisfying the supporting non-dominant poles and the supporting non-dominant points; and finally, in the space where the solutions are formed in the first two stages, the root is found. According to the system requirements, the optimal solution of the system is found from the solution set.
Finally, the performance of the proposed scheme and the existing schemes is verified by simulation.
3) a resource allocation scheme based on multi-dimensional factors in self-organizing hierarchical heterogeneous networks is proposed.
Firstly, a resource self-configuration model of hierarchical heterogeneous networks is established according to three factors: energy efficiency, transmission power consumption and stability. Resource allocation includes two parts: user connection and power value setting.
Secondly, the algorithm of user selection and power allocation is designed step by step, and the corresponding parameters of user connection and power allocation are respectively designed. To further enhance the self-organizing function of the base station, a joint execution scheme of user selection and power allocation is designed.
Finally, the performance of self organizing hierarchical heterogeneous network is verified by simulation.
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