[Abstract]:At present, most of the excellent network management systems come from abroad, and domestic network management systems lag behind in terms of performance, function, stability and so on. Especially for private network management products such as TETRA, most of the market share is occupied by foreign companies such as motorcycles. In order to break the blockage of core technology of foreign companies, it is very important to develop a set of TETRA system with independent property rights. In the field of private network communication, it can also fill the gap in our market. TETRA system includes network management subsystem and scheduling subsystem. Base station subsystem, switching subsystem. The cluster network tube system is the most important part of the TETRA system industrialization project. It is responsible for monitoring and controlling the whole TETRA system, providing the interface to access the physical resources of the system, and feedback the received information to the physical equipment of the system. The whole system is guaranteed to run continuously, stably and efficiently. This paper describes the design and implementation of wireless trunking network management system in detail, and passes the corresponding function and stress test. This paper first introduces the background significance, research status and organization structure of the subject, and then expounds the relationship between wireless trunking network management system and wireless trunking communication system. The key technologies of network management system such as SNMP protocol ice middleware technology are introduced in this paper. By analyzing the architecture performance of distributed network management system, the design and implementation scheme of Ice middleware combined with B / S architecture pattern is put forward. By using the TRAP of SNMP to interact with the network management server, the function of collecting, distributing and uploading alarm information is realized. Then the system functional requirements, development scheme, networking mode, database, overall framework and other aspects of the detailed design. Finally, the implementation of wireless trunking network management system is completed through the realization of Ice distribution and subscription, connection control, service processing, trap collection and distribution and other modules.
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