[Abstract]:With the improvement of the performance of the Internet and other mobile terminals, speech recognition technology is becoming more and more popular in industrial production and daily life. Therefore, how to provide a speech recognition system with high recognition performance and strong robustness is becoming more and more important. However, since the application of speech recognition technology in Chinese recognition, there is a phenomenon that can not be ignored-accent problem, which greatly reduces the performance of the recognition system, especially in China, which is a country with multiple accents. In particular, the problem of multiple accents has become a key issue in Chinese speech recognition. China is a multi-accented country, in addition to standard Mandarin, there are seven other major dialects-Mandarin, Wu, Guangdong, Hunan, Hakka, Fujian and Jiangxi. The difference between dialect and standard Putonghua is great, and the change between dialects is great. People living in these dialects learn Putonghua as a second language, and one of the most direct results is that people living in these areas are speaking in Mandarin. There will be a significant change in accent. The result is that the current model trained on standard Putonghua data is not specific to the speech recognition of a particular dialect. The difficulty of Putonghua speech recognition with accent is mainly reflected in two aspects, because the existence of multi-accent phenomenon in China has resulted in the model mismatch caused by the variation of pronunciation in different accent areas. At the same time, it leads to the contradiction between the relevant models of training accent and the difficulty of obtaining large quantities of speech data from different accent areas. In this paper, we combine accent classification with improving the performance of specific accent acoustic models. Aiming at these two main problems, we can not only select appropriate acoustic models for the unknown area of Mandarin with accent test data, but also improve the performance of specific accent acoustic models. To solve the problem of model mismatch, and improve the model recognition ability of specific accents through multi-level adaptive network (MLAN), It can further solve the modeling problem caused by model mismatch in multi-accent problems and sparse data of specific accents, thus improving the recognition rate. The MLAN system introduced in this paper makes full use of the discriminative learning ability of the neural network and the adaptability of the cross data domain. The generality of standard Putonghua data with larger amount of data and specific dialect accent data is extracted adaptively, and then fed forward by the first level network to specific accent data training the second level network, and feedforward the standard Putonghua data. The standard Putonghua data are adapted to the personality characteristics of specific accents. This architecture not only improves the common expression ability of specific accent data, but also adapts to a large number of standard Putonghua data, and greatly increases the training data with specific dialect accent features. The experiments in Guangzhou and Chongqing show that the relative CER decrease of the improved system based on the baseline GMM-HMM system model is 23.03% and 21.21% respectively, and the performance improvement effect is quite obvious. The necessity of accent classification based on unknown accent test data and the superiority of MLAN framework are well verified. This paper proposes that this architecture has good scalability and adaptability. It can not only deal with speech recognition problems with multiple accents, but also be suitable for more complex cross-domain and more detailed classification situations, such as multi-language. Complex noise conditions, etc.
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