[Abstract]:Fretting refers to the vibration, rotation and acceleration motion of the target or its components except the translational motion of the center of mass. The micro-motion will produce Doppler modulation effect on the radar echo, and this modulation effect is called micro-Doppler modulation. However, the micro-Doppler features can reflect the electromagnetic scattering characteristics, geometric structure and motion characteristics of the target, which has become an important feature of ballistic missile target classification and recognition in recent years. In this paper, the problem of micro-Doppler extraction and parameter estimation of spatial smooth conical target is studied. The micro-Doppler modulation of echo from fretting is studied. The micro-Doppler extraction of echo and the estimation of moving and structural parameters of the precession target are studied in this paper. The main contents of this paper can be summarized as follows: 1. The scattering characteristics and occlusion effect of smooth cone target are analyzed and the equivalent scattering point model of smooth cone target is established. Taking the linear frequency modulated (LFM) signal as an example, the Doppler modulation effect of precession and nutation on target radar echo is analyzed, and the mathematical form of instantaneous micro-Doppler frequency is deduced in detail. Finally, the correctness of the theoretical analysis is verified by simulation experiments. For the spatial conical object with smooth surface, a method of extracting micro-Doppler frequency based on linear frequency modulation (LFM) signal parameter estimation combined with random sampling consistent (RANSAC) algorithm is proposed. This method does not directly pre-model the fretting characteristics, but approximates the echo segmented signal as the superposition of the LFM signal components corresponding to several scattering points, and estimates the modulation frequency and the initial frequency of each LFM signal. Then the random sampling consistency is used to fit the model to obtain the microDoppler frequency curves of different scattering points. The effectiveness and robustness of the algorithm are verified by simulation experiments. A method for estimating the precession parameters and structural parameters of a spatial precession cone target is introduced. The variation of instantaneous micro-Doppler frequency between the conical top and the cone-bottom scattering point under different radar line-of-sight angles is analyzed. The radar line-of-sight angle is estimated by solving the equation according to this variation relationship, and then the motion parameters and structural parameters of the target are estimated. The target height, the radius of the bottom surface, the distance between the center of the rotation and the precession angle are estimated. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
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