[Abstract]:Digital image and video compression technology has been studied for more than 20 years and has achieved great success. However, many years of development have made the traditional coding framework based on "prediction-transformation" approach its performance limit more and more. The rapid development of computer vision in the last decade has inspired us to explore the visual correlation of images and improve the performance of image video coding based on visual content analysis.
In this paper, we focus on the combination of visual content analysis technology and image video coding technology. We use visual content analysis technology to analyze the visual correlation between images, eliminate visual redundancy at different levels in images and videos, so as to improve the coding efficiency of images and videos. Part of the work.
In the first part of our work, we propose an image coding method based on visual pattern analysis. This method describes the visual correlation between low and high frequencies of an image by a priori visual pattern, and thus adaptively discards some high frequency visual redundancy in the image at the coding end to improve the coding performance. In addition, we extend the analysis technique based on visual pattern to the application of scalable video coding, and propose a novel inter-layer prediction method based on visual pattern analysis. By mapping, the visual correlation of scalable video sequences in time domain and space domain is explored, and two high-quality inter-layer predictive signals are generated to improve the performance of scalable video coding. Our approach achieves a better balance between coding performance and complexity by combining multiple content analysis mechanisms and providing a multi-loop and single-loop system implementation.
In the second part of the work, we propose an efficient image coding method based on image features. This method establishes a closer local visual relationship through image local feature matching, and then combines the correlation analysis of pixel level to eliminate visual redundancy more effectively. Specifically, we use multi-scale wavelet transform. In SIFT feature extraction, the input image is decomposed into global information and local information in sub-band, and then encoded and compressed. SIFT features are used to retrieve a set of image slices with similar vision from cloud image database. Then, combined with the analysis and mapping based on visual pattern, the information in these similar image slices is fused with the decoded global information to reconstruct the target image. This method combines the advantages of local feature analysis and visual pattern analysis to achieve higher efficiency. Image coding performance.
In the third part, we propose an image set global optimization coding method based on global similarity analysis of image features. According to the global statistical characteristics of local features, we define feature distance to analyze the global similarity between images. On this basis, we cluster image sets into several correlations. Each node in the graph represents an image and each edge is weighted by the feature distance. By searching for the minimum weight spanning tree of the directed graph, the optimal coding structure with the minimum prediction cost can be obtained. In order to further enhance the graph and the graph. Firstly, we use SIFT feature matching and multi-model geometric motion estimation to eliminate geometric deformation in different regions. Secondly, we introduce photometric transformation to eliminate the difference between images caused by illumination changes. Motion compensation mechanism generates locally optimized predictive signals. The proposed image feature-based method makes full use of the advantages of various content analysis techniques. Feature-based global analysis techniques effectively determine the optimal coding structure; and image transformation based on local feature matching enhances the regional correlation between images and images. Therefore, our method effectively exploits the visual redundancy between related images, improves the overall coding efficiency of the image set, and provides a new idea for further research on large-scale image video coding in large data and cloud storage environment.
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