[Abstract]:Stream cipher is an important branch of modern cryptography, RC4 stream cipher is efficient, easy to implement, widely used in network security, database security and other fields. With the rapid development and popularization of the Internet, the security of the. RC4 stream cipher algorithm is facing a severe challenge, which has become one of the hot issues that people pay attention to. This paper introduces the theory of stream cipher, studies the working principle and design criterion of stream cipher. In this paper, several typical attack schemes against RC4 are analyzed, and the internal state, output process, design principles and attack methods of RC4 are studied. In view of the vulnerability of RC4 stream cipher algorithm to weak key attack, distinguish attack and error introduction attack, an improved algorithm based on random permutation, RC4Stack _ n _ m, is proposed. The algorithm has the following characteristics: (1) based on random permutation, The nonlinear operation of the internal state table can dynamically extend the value space of the elements in the state table, and make the elements in the state table constantly updated, which ensures the reusability of the state table. (2) A secret number is introduced into the key compilation algorithm. The secret number changes with the change of the state table and has higher security. In the pseudorandom sequence generation algorithm, the secret number participates in the transformation of the state table, which ensures the uniformity of the state table. (3) the key stream sequence of RC4_n_m is determined by the two states before and after the state table, which enhances the randomness of the key flow sequence. The output of pseudorandom sequence is much larger than the 8-bit output of RC4, so the efficiency of RC4_n_m is better than that of RC4 stream cipher. Finally, the correctness, randomness and efficiency of RC4_n_m algorithm are tested. The experimental results show that the RC4 n-m algorithm is correct and feasible, and the randomness and efficiency of the key stream is better than that of the RC4 stream cipher algorithm.
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