[Abstract]:The wireless communication environment in coal mine roadway is very complex. In order to make the model more suitable for the actual situation, the multi-path fading can be effectively suppressed by establishing the multi-input and multi-output (MIMO) model, aiming at the rich scattering environment of the roadway. The system performance under different channel models is simulated to complete the MIMO antenna scheme and error performance optimization in the tunnel. Based on the multi-mode theory of electromagnetic wave propagation in coal mine roadway and the ray tracing method, this paper analyzes the wireless channel model of coal mine roadway and considers the roughness of shaft wall, inclination, antenna spacing. The influence of antenna position and other parameters on the transmission characteristics of electromagnetic wave. The influence of the above parameters on transmission attenuation is simulated by selecting rectangular roadway with a carrier frequency of 900MHZ. In this paper, the error performance of multipath fading channel in two modulation methods of BPSK,QPSK is compared and analyzed. When the antenna scheme is 2 / 12 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 6, the minimum mean square error estimation algorithm is used to simulate the error rate of Rayleigh fading on MATLAB platform. The simulation results are in good agreement with the measured data in the literature, which shows that the model and the system design have good practical application value.
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