[Abstract]:C-RAN is a new type of green wireless access network architecture, which reduces power consumption by reducing distributed computer room, and realizes flexible scheduling of shared baseband resources and tasks by using virtualization and collaboration technology. Furthermore, the utilization efficiency of spectrum resources is improved, the processing cost is saved, and the system performance is improved. Combined with the characteristics of task correlation in baseband pool and signal parallelization in CoMP technology, centralized resource management will complicate task scheduling. Therefore, efficient associated task scheduling mechanism becomes urgent and important in C-RAN networks. Firstly, we introduce the virtualization technology and its application in C-RAN architecture, analyze the deployment of virtual resources on physical resources in baseband pool, and enumerate some common algorithms for task scheduling. The practical application of genetic algorithm in the baseband pool to solve the associated task scheduling is also given. Then, from the point of view of task relevance, this paper proposes an associated task scheduling mechanism based on virtual baseband pool differential configuration. Under the existing communication protocols, the task modules in the baseband pool are sequentially associated, and the previous distributed task scheduling methods cannot be adopted. In this paper, all virtual machines in the virtual baseband pool are divided into several clusters, and the virtual machines in different clusters are configured differently according to the task requirements, and the virtual machines in the same cluster are configured uniformly. Then each associated task is scheduled to run on the virtual machine of the corresponding cluster according to the attributes of the task to complete the efficient scheduling and processing of the association module. Finally, considering the characteristics of CoMP technology in C-RAN baseband pool, we propose an associated task scheduling mechanism based on CoMP synchronization constraint. In this paper, due to the distance difference and multipath delay, the problems such as delay difference and frequency offset are analyzed when the multi-channel parallel signal generated by cooperative RRU is transmitted to the baseband cell. In order to complete the timely data merging after these associated modules are processed, the serial modules such as carrier synchronization, channel estimation and so on are synchronized, and the above task scheduling mechanism is verified by the RMS delay.
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