[Abstract]:With the rapid development of mobile Internet, WAP gateway, as the "adapter" to connect wireless network and Internet, faces the pressure of improving service and increasing capacity caused by explosive growth of traffic. It is difficult to continue to expand and maintain the WAP gateway according to the traditional mode. In this paper, a scientific and efficient WAP gateway architecture is proposed to support operators to optimize the WAP network architecture, to deal with the current situation of Internet development, and to put forward the direction of future evolution. This paper first introduces the research background, analyzes the business status and platform status of the WAP gateway, and then studies the new architecture of the WAP gateway platform, mainly including a variety of mechanisms to realize the WAP gateway shunt. This paper mainly compares the HTTP shunt based on DPI equipment, the software mode based on S / A platform, introduces the scheme of HTTP agent system, and the F5 distributary agent scheme of load balancer. According to the comparative analysis of the experimental data, it is concluded that, The scheme of introducing HTTP agent system is more reasonable. Finally, based on the advent of the mobile Internet era, the paper puts forward the need for the transformation of intelligent pipeline, and expounds the four stages of the evolution to mobile Internet gateway in the future. This thesis has some guiding significance for the future research of WAP gateway architecture adjustment and evolution.
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