[Abstract]:This paper belongs to the category of software engineering. It is based on USRP software radio platform to study frequency hopping scheme and equalization algorithm. According to the analysis of wireless spectrum, the USRP software radio platform is used to analyze the signal. The existing mobile communication technology uses a variety of modulation methods and multi-stop access methods. Because of the complex and changeable wireless channel in reality, frequency hopping technology is usually used for security reasons. In order to receive the data we need to track the frequency hopping sequence in real time, to receive and decode the signal in real time, to eliminate the influence of Doppler frequency shift and inter-symbol interference, and to demodulate the signal using equalization algorithm. Through experimental demonstration and data analysis, the method of resolving frequency hopping in protocol analysis is determined. In this paper, based on the USRP platform, the scheme of de-frequency modulation is studied. According to the hardware requirement of de-frequency hopping, the frequency hopping information contained in the channel should be explained first, and the frequency hopping rate is one frame and one hop. The allocation information of SDCCH and the frequency hopping information on related frequency points can be obtained by analyzing AGCH,. Then the program of DSP is used to control the RF front-end of the RF receiver to perform the frequency switching of one frame and one hop according to the frequency hopping information, so that the complete link information is received and the relevant data are analyzed according to the protocol. In this paper, the Viterbi equalization demodulation algorithm is discussed through simulation experiments. In order to get through the research flow, the phase difference demodulation method is used to demodulate the signal at first, but the phase difference demodulation can only demodulate the air signal which has a large signal ratio and no intersymbol interference. After that, the soft decision equalization and demodulation algorithm of Viterbi in the intelligent network is discussed by using the powerful Matlab simulation platform of data analysis and algorithm simulation. Equalization demodulation algorithm mainly includes I / Q data unwinding, channel estimation, automatic correlation and matched filtering, soft decision and so on. Because Doppler frequency shift and inter-symbol interference often exist in air signal, simple phase difference demodulation and other coherent demodulation methods are not applicable. The I / Q data in the air is collected by using the USRP general software radio platform. After preprocessing the collected data, the Viterbi soft decision equalization demodulation is done. The protocol analysis shows that the error rate is low.
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