[Abstract]:GNSS (Global Navigation Satellites System, (Global Satellite Navigation system) is widely used in military field because of its low cost and high precision. However, due to the rotation of many weapons, rotation will cause periodic changes of the signal Doppler, which has a certain impact on the normal reception of the signal. In this case, it is difficult for the general receiver to keep the stable tracking of the signal. Therefore, it is very important to analyze the tracking performance of PLL in rotation to optimize the loop parameters and to design a reasonable algorithm. The aim of this paper is to analyze the tracking performance and parameter optimization of the loop under the rotating state. The main work is as follows: the amplitude, Doppler and phase of the received signal of the GNSS under the rotating state will change in a complex way. According to the law of motion of physics and the change of incidence angle relative antenna, combining the pattern of antenna, the received signal under rotation state is modeled accurately, and it is pointed out that the Doppler of received signal in rotating state changes in sinusoidal law. The effect of rotation on carrier Doppler is greater than that on pseudo code Doppler, so it is unnecessary to consider the effect of rotation on code tracking. Due to the sinusoidal variation of Doppler and phase caused by rotation, the tracking error of the tracking loop can not converge to a fixed value, so the traditional analysis method to calculate the dynamic stress is no longer applicable. Using the error transfer function of PLL as a tool, the relationship between the input phase amplitude and the phase-tracking error amplitude is established in this paper. A method for analyzing the performance of PLL in rotating state is presented, and the simulation of the method is given. The rationality and feasibility are verified. By using the analytical method presented in this paper, the tracking sensitivity of phase-locked loop in rotating state, the tracking sensitivity of frequency locked loop under different noise bandwidth and the maximum speed of stable tracking under different load / noise ratio are numerically analyzed. The optimal noise bandwidth of PLL tracking signal is given by numerical simulation, which provides theoretical support for the optimal design of loop under rotating state. The advantages and disadvantages of different carrier tracking loops for signal tracking are compared. It is pointed out that when the noise bandwidth is the same, the performance of second-order PLL and third-order PLL is closely related to the rotational speed, and the second-order loop is chosen at low speed. It is an important research direction to select the real-time processing of third-order ring. GNSS software receiver at high speed. This paper presents an overall architecture of real-time software receiver based on CPU GPU with the help of the powerful parallel processing ability of GPU. The signal tracking link is designed in detail. The software receiver is used to process the measured rotational signals to verify the correctness of the model and the reasonableness of the analytical method. For the simulated signals with 5MHz sampling rate and tracking 12 satellites at the same time, the average processing time of each 1ms signal is only 0.109 Ms.
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