[Abstract]:EEG is a comprehensive reflection of the activity of hundreds of millions of neurons in the cerebral cortex. It contains abundant useful information and is controlled by the endocrine system and nervous system, which can reflect more objectively the physiological state of human beings. In recent years, the brain-computer interface technology is also gradually known, and the brain-computer interface depends on the pattern recognition of EEG, so the research of EEG recognition has been widely concerned by scientists at home and abroad. Because EEG signal is a kind of non-stationary and complex random signal, it is very important to study how to extract useful information from EEG signal and classify it more effectively. The recognition of EEG signals is generally divided into two aspects: one is the EEG generated by active tasks and the other is the signal recognition of evoked EEG produced by passive receiving stimuli. In this paper, the two aspects of EEG recognition are studied, the specific work is as follows: in the field of EEG recognition generated by active tasks, this paper studies EEG recognition oriented to motion imagination. In view of the problem that common principal component analysis (PCA) (Principle Component Analysis, PCA) EEG feature extraction methods do not make effective use of the classification information of the samples, so they have a low contribution to the classification. In this paper, the principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (Liner Discriminate Analysis,LDA) are used to extract the features, and the extracted features are fed into the (Voting based extreme learning machine, V-ELM classifier based on the voting mechanism. The experimental results on BCI2003dataset Ia, the standard data set of BCI, show that the recognition rate of the feature extraction method and the classification algorithm is 93.52, which is obviously higher than the highest recognition rate of 92.15% in the present data set. By combining principal component analysis (PCA) with linear discriminant analysis (LDA), the recognition rate of VELM is 1.43% higher than that of the most widely used SVM classification algorithm in EEG recognition field, and the time consuming is reduced by 90%. In the aspect of the recognition of evoked EEG signals generated by passive receiving stimuli, the recognition of emotional EEG signals induced by different types of video programs is studied in this paper. The fourth chapter gives the experimental design and EEG acquisition process, and according to the psychological research on the brain area affected by audio-visual stimulation, we select four FP1,FP2,P1,P2 electrodes from 64 electrodes to analyze. According to the effective information carried by emotional EEG itself mainly in the frequency range of 尾 wave, the original EEG signal is filtered. Finally, wavelet packet variance is used as feature extraction method. Support vector machine (SVM) is used as a classification method for video induced EEG recognition. The experimental results show that the feature extraction and classification methods used in this paper are effective. The average recognition rate of the two categories is 71.44 and 82.940.The recognition rate of the three types reaches 66.07.
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