[Abstract]:G. 729 is a speech coding standard proposed by the International Telecommunication Union. Because of its low coding rate, low delay and high synthetic speech quality, it has been widely used in speech communication. At present, G. 729 speech coding algorithm has been very mature, but still has the following problems: first, G. 729 speech coding algorithm complexity is high, for speech communication, real-time is one of the key factors, the existing standard algorithm is very difficult to be directly used. Secondly, although the G.729 standard has been proposed for many years, there are relatively few integrated G.729 codecs. Therefore, based on the G.729 standard and the handheld information platform developed by the project team, the thesis researches and implements the G.729 standard. Firstly, G. 729 speech coding algorithm is studied. Based on the analysis and simulation of G. 729 standard algorithm, the algorithm complexity of the codec is obtained, which provides the basis for real-time coding and decoding. Second, the design of speech codec algorithm DSP software architecture. In this paper, the DSP core and audio chip of DM3730 dual-core chip are selected to design voice acquisition and playback module, speech codec module and interrupt service program module. The program is optimized from compiler level and code level. The G. 729 codec algorithm can process the speech signal in real time. Thirdly, the performance of G. 729 codec algorithm is verified. Taking the handheld information platform as the hardware background, the audio acquisition and playback module and the speech codec algorithm module are tested by the DSP online debugging tool. The average segmented signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the synthesized speech is 10 dB, the coding of a frame of speech signal needs 5.4 Ms, and the decoding of a frame of speech signal needs 1.7 Ms, which meets the real-time requirements and achieves the expected goal. The content of this paper provides a solution for the design and implementation of speech signal acquisition and codec on DSP platform.
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