发布时间:2018-10-16 15:46
【摘要】:随着技术的进步,短距离无线通信技术在人们的工作生活中得到了越来越广泛的应用。现有短距离无线通信技术有很多技术标准,如ZigBee、蓝牙、Wifi等。ZigBee与其他短距离无线传输技术相对比,具有传输距离较远,网络扩展性高,能容纳网络节点数量多,功耗低,成本低廉的综合优势,适合于低速率近距离无线通信场合,基于ZigBee技术的无线网络传输具有很高的应用价值。随着人们对信息需求的增加,除了传输间歇性低数据量传感器信息外,长时间持续大量数据传输的无线通讯也是一个重要应用场景。 另外,随着智能移动设备的普及,和智能移动设备相结合的短距离无线通信技术愈发重要。Android是市场占有率第一的智能移动操作系统,将ZigBee技术和Android移动设备结合起来,可以综合运用ZigBee低功耗、低成本、易组网和Android便携性的优点,满足人们对短距离移动无线通信的需求。 本文设计并实现了一个基于ZigBee技术与Android平台的通信系统,来实现大数据量信息的传输。从ZigBee无线网络传输和ZigBee与上位机的串口传输两方面详细分析了数据传输可靠性问题,完善了传输机制,在持续传输大量数据的情况下保证数据传输的可靠性;基于Android操作系统,按照MVC模式开发文件管理传输软件,实现了对文件的管理和发送接收功能;通过ZigBee对串口的传输、串口到USB的转换、Android对USB数据的读写实现了Android和ZigBee之间的通讯。
[Abstract]:With the development of technology, short-range wireless communication technology has been more and more widely used in people's working life. The existing short-range wireless communication technology has many technical standards, such as ZigBee, Bluetooth, Wifi and so on. Compared with other short-range wireless transmission technologies, ZigBee has the advantages of long transmission distance, high network expansibility, large number of network nodes and low power consumption. In addition, with the popularity of intelligent mobile devices, short-range wireless communication technology combined with intelligent mobile devices is becoming more and more important. Android is the first intelligent mobile operating system with market share, which combines ZigBee technology with Android mobile devices. The advantages of ZigBee, such as low power consumption, low cost, easy networking and Android portability, can be integrated to meet the needs of short range mobile wireless communication. A communication system based on ZigBee technology and Android platform is designed and implemented in this paper. The reliability of data transmission is analyzed in detail from the aspects of ZigBee wireless network transmission and serial port transmission between ZigBee and host computer. The transmission mechanism is improved to ensure the reliability of data transmission under the condition of continuous transmission of a large amount of data. The file management and transmission software is developed according to MVC mode, which realizes the function of file management and receiving, and realizes the communication between Android and ZigBee through the transmission of ZigBee to serial port, the conversion from serial port to USB, and the reading and writing of USB data by Android.
[Abstract]:With the development of technology, short-range wireless communication technology has been more and more widely used in people's working life. The existing short-range wireless communication technology has many technical standards, such as ZigBee, Bluetooth, Wifi and so on. Compared with other short-range wireless transmission technologies, ZigBee has the advantages of long transmission distance, high network expansibility, large number of network nodes and low power consumption. In addition, with the popularity of intelligent mobile devices, short-range wireless communication technology combined with intelligent mobile devices is becoming more and more important. Android is the first intelligent mobile operating system with market share, which combines ZigBee technology with Android mobile devices. The advantages of ZigBee, such as low power consumption, low cost, easy networking and Android portability, can be integrated to meet the needs of short range mobile wireless communication. A communication system based on ZigBee technology and Android platform is designed and implemented in this paper. The reliability of data transmission is analyzed in detail from the aspects of ZigBee wireless network transmission and serial port transmission between ZigBee and host computer. The transmission mechanism is improved to ensure the reliability of data transmission under the condition of continuous transmission of a large amount of data. The file management and transmission software is developed according to MVC mode, which realizes the function of file management and receiving, and realizes the communication between Android and ZigBee through the transmission of ZigBee to serial port, the conversion from serial port to USB, and the reading and writing of USB data by Android.
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